.org repository

amd64 - Unstable/Sid

1.aacgainLossless mp4 normalizer with statistical analysis
2.aacplusencHigh-Efficency AAC (AAC+) Encoder
3.acroread-fonts-jpnJapanese fonts for Adobe acrobat reader
4.advancemenuFront-end to run the Advance*, MAME, MESS, etc emulators
5.aftenaudio AC3 encoder
6.amarokeasy to use media player based on the KDE Platform
7.amarok-commonarchitecture independent files for Amarok
8.amarok-docAmarok documentation (Handbook)
9.amarok-utilsutilities for Amarok media player
10.amf-codec-headersAdvanced Media Framework (AMF) header files.
11.amrencAMR-NB (Narrow Band) Encoder
12.aom-toolsAV1 Video Codec Library -- Tools
13.audaciousSmall and fast audio player which supports lots of formats
14.audacious-devAudacious development files
15.audacious-pluginsBase plugins for audacious.
16.audacious-plugins-dataData files for Audacious plugins.
17.audacityfast, cross-platform audio editor
18.audacity-datafast, cross-platform audio editor (data)
19.autopano-sift-cAutomatically create control points for panorama image.
20.avidemuxFree video editor
21.avidemux-cliFree video editor (command line version)
22.avidemux-commonFree video editor (Internationalization files)
23.avidemux-pluginsFree video editor (plugins)
24.avidemux-qtFree video editor (QT version)
25.avisynth+powerful tool for video post-production
26.avisynth+-devpowerful tool for video post-production
27.avisynth+-ffms2Vapoursynth plugin Vamp plugin collection
29.bdsup2subSubtitle conversion tool for image based formats.
30.bdsup2subplusplusSubtitle conversion tool for image based formats.
31.bdvmdbgCross-platform BDVM debugger
32.bento4MP4, DASH, HLS, CMAF SDK and Tools
33.bino3D video player
34.ccextractorfast closed captions extractor for MPEG and H264 files CD reading utility which includes extra data verification features
36.cdemu-clientCommand-line client to control CDEmu daemon
37.cdemu-daemondaemon for CDEmu
38.cec-utilsUSB CEC Adaptor communication Library (utility programs)
39.chaplinDVD chapter extractor
40.cine-encoderTool to convert media files while preserving HDR metadata.
41.cutmp3Small and fast command line MP3 editor
42.darkice-fullLive audio streamer
43.dav1dfast and small AV1 video stream decoder
44.davs2AVS2 (IEEE 1857.4) decoder (command-line tool)
45.deadbeefUltimate music player for GNU/Linux systems
46.deadbeef-mpris2MPRISv2 plugin for the DeaDBeeF music player
47.deadbeef-musical-spectrumMusical Spectrum plugin for DeaDBeeF
48.deadbeef-plugins-devUltimate music player for GNU/Linux systems
49.deadbeef-ratingDeaDBeeF Song Rating plugin
50.deadbeef-spectrogramSpectrogram plugin for DeaDBeeF
51.deadbeef-vu-meterVU Meter Plugin for DeaDBeeF
52.deadbeef-waveform-seekbarWaveform Seekbar plugin for DeaDBeeF
53.deb-multimedia-keyringGnuPG archive key of the deb-multimedia repository
54.devedeProgram to create video DVDs
55.divxencshell script which makes it easy to encode DVDs to FMP4/DivX
56.dmidiplayerFeatured MIDI File Player.
57.drumstick-dataQt6/C++ wrapper for ALSA Sequencer (data files)
58.drumstick-toolsQt5/C++ wrapper for ALSA Sequencer - utilities
59.dv2subextracts the date and time from dv video and write a subtitle file
60.dvb-appsDigital Video Broadcasting (DVB) applications
61.dvd-slideshowtools to create dvd slideshow with menus
62.dvdstylerCrossplatform DVD Authoring System
63.dvdstyler-dataCrossplatform DVD Authoring System (data files) and extract motion events in videos
65.easytagViewing, editing and writing ID3 tags.
66.etl-devExtended Class and Template Library
67.exaileMusic Player for GTK+
68.exhaleextended high-efficiency and low-complexity AAC encoder.
69.extractdisplays meta-data from files of arbitrary type
70.faacAAC audio encoder.
71.fastflixhandy GUI for encoding videos.
72.fdkaaccommand line encoder frontend for libfdk-aac
73.ffhevcShell script which makes it easy to encode DVDs to H.265/HEVC
74.ffmpegaudio/video encoder, streaming server & audio/video file converter
75.ffmpeg-docDocumentation of the FFmpeg API
76.ffmpegthumbnailerFast and lightweight video thumbnailer
77.ffmsindexCommand line tool to create ffms2 index files
78.ffx264Shell script which makes it easy to encode DVDs to H.264/AVC
79.ffxvidShell script which makes it easy to encode DVDs to Xvid.
80.flowbladenon-linear video editor
81.foobnixSimple and powerful music player for Linux.
82.forked-daapdtransitional dummy package
83.frei0r-pluginsMinimalistic plugin API for video effects, plugins collection.
84.frei0r-plugins-devMinimalistic plugin API for video effects, header files.
85.gcdemuGNOME application to control CDEmu daemon
86.gerberaUPnP MediaServer
87.gerbera-docUPnP MediaServer - documentation
88.gir1.2-gst-plugins-bad-1.0GObject introspection data for the GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set
89.gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0GObject introspection data for the GStreamer Plugins Base library
90.gir1.2-mirage-3.2CD-ROM image access library - typelib files
91.gir1.2-mypaint-1.6development files for libmypaint
92.glaxnimatesimple and fast vector graphics animation program.
93.glaxnimate-datasimple and fast vector graphics animation program - data files
94.gmorganMIDI rhythm station emulator software
95.gpacmultimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard
96.gpac-modules-baseGPAC Project on Advanced Content - modules
97.gstreamer1.0-alsaGStreamer plugin for ALSA
98.gstreamer1.0-glGStreamer plugins for GL
99.gstreamer1.0-gtk3GStreamer plugin for GTK+3
100.gstreamer1.0-libavFFmpeg plugin for GStreamer
101.gstreamer1.0-opencvGStreamer OpenCV plugins
102.gstreamer1.0-plugins-badGStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
103.gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-appsGStreamer helper programs from the "bad" set
104.gstreamer1.0-plugins-baseGStreamer plugins from the "base" set
105.gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-appsGStreamer helper programs from the "base" set
106.gstreamer1.0-plugins-goodGStreamer plugins from the "good" set
107.gstreamer1.0-plugins-uglyGStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
108.gstreamer1.0-pulseaudioGStreamer plugin for PulseAudio (Transitional package)
109.gstreamer1.0-qt5GStreamer plugin for Qt5
110.gstreamer1.0-qt6GStreamer plugin for Qt6
111.gstreamer1.0-vaapiVA-API plugins for GStreamer
112.gstreamer1.0-wpeGStreamer WPEWebKit plugin
113.gstreamer1.0-xGStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango
114.h264encScript to encode video or DVD in H.264/AVC/MPEG-4 Part 10
115.handbrakeVersatile DVD ripper and video transcoder
116.handbrake-cliVersatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (command line)
117.handbrake-gtkVersatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (GTK GUI)
118.heif-gdk-pixbufHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - gdk-pixbuf loader
119.heif-thumbnailerHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - thumbnailer
120.icecast2Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming media server
121.ices2Ogg Vorbis streaming source for Icecast 2
122.image-analyzerMirage Image Analyzer
123.imagemagickimage manipulation programs -- binaries
124.imagemagick-7-commonimage manipulation programs -- infrastructure
125.imagemagick-7-docdocument files of ImageMagick
126.imagemagick-7.q16image manipulation programs -- quantum depth Q16
127.imagemagick-7.q16hdriimage manipulation programs -- quantum depth Q16HDRI
128.imaginationDVD slide show maker
129.imagination-commonDVD slide show maker - common files
130.jampalmp3 song library management system and player
131.jpeg-xl-docJPEG XL Image Coding System - "JXL" (documentation)
132.k3bSophisticated CD/DVD burning application
133.k3b-dataSophisticated CD/DVD burning application - data files
134.k3b-extrathemesSophisticated CD/DVD burning application - extra themes
135.k3b-i18nSophisticated CD/DVD burning application - localizations files
136.kde-cdemuKDE CDEmu manager.
137.kde-cdemu-managerKDE CDEmu manager.
138.kde-config-cddbCDDB retrieval configuration
139.kdenlivenon-linear video editor
140.kdenlive-datanon-linear video editor (data files)
141.kissfft-toolsMixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library (CLI tools)
142.klvanc-toolsgeneral parser/decoder and an encoder for VANC lines
143.kmetronomeALSA MIDI Metronome
144.kmidimonMIDI monitor using ALSA sequencer and KDE user interface
145.kodiOpen Source Home Theatre (executable binaries)
146.kodi-addons-devOpen Source Home Theatre (Addons Dev package)
147.kodi-addons-dev-commonOpen Source Home Theatre (architecture-independent addon development package)
148.kodi-audiodecoder-modplugModplug audio decoder for Kodi.
149.kodi-audiodecoder-openmptOpenMPT audio decoder for Kodi
150.kodi-audiodecoder-sidplaySidPlay audio decoder for Kodi.
151.kodi-audioencoder-flacFLAC audio encoder add-on for Kodi
152.kodi-audioencoder-lameLAME (mp3) audio encoder add-on for Kodi
153.kodi-audioencoder-vorbisVorbis audio encoder add-on for Kodi
154.kodi-audioencoder-wavWAV audio encoder add-on for Kodi
155.kodi-dataOpen Source Home Theatre (arch-independent data package)
156.kodi-eventclients-commonOpen Source Home Theatre (Event Client Common package)
157.kodi-eventclients-ps3Open Source Home Theatre (Event Client PS3 package)
158.kodi-eventclients-wiiremoteOpen Source Home Theatre (Event Client WII Remote support package)
159.kodi-imagedecoder-heifHEIF image decoder for Kodi
160.kodi-inputstream-adaptiveadaptive inputstream addon for Kodi.
161.kodi-inputstream-ffmpegdirectFFmpegDirect inputstream addon for Kodi
162.kodi-inputstream-rtmpKodi input stream addon for RTMP.
163.kodi-peripheral-joystickKodi Joystick Library
164.kodi-pvr-argustvARGUS TV PVR addon for Kodi
165.kodi-pvr-dvblinkKodi DVBLink PVR Client
166.kodi-pvr-dvbviewerDVBViewer Kodi PVR Addon
167.kodi-pvr-filmonFilmon PVR client addon for Kodi
168.kodi-pvr-freeboxFreebox TV PVR addon for Kodi
169.kodi-pvr-hdhomerunHDHomeRun PVR Addon for Kodi
170.kodi-pvr-htsKodi PVR Addon TvHeadend Hts
171.kodi-pvr-iptvsimpleIPTV Simple Client Kodi PVR Addon
172.kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserverMediaPortal's TV-Server PVR addon for Kodi
173.kodi-pvr-mythtvMythTV PVR Addon for Kodi
174.kodi-pvr-mythtv-cmythTransitional package to install kodi-pvr-mythtv
175.kodi-pvr-nextpvrNextPVR PVR addon for Kodi
176.kodi-pvr-njoyNJOY PVR Addon for Kodi
177.kodi-pvr-pctvPCTV PVR client addon for Kodi PVR client for Kodi.
179.kodi-pvr-stalkerStalker Middleware PVR client addon for Kodi
180.kodi-pvr-vboxVBox Home TV Gateway addon for Kodi
181.kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsiVDR PVR client addon for Kodi
182.kodi-pvr-vuplusEnigma2 PVR client addon for Kodi
183.kodi-pvr-waipuwaipu PVR for Kodi
184.kodi-pvr-wmcWMC PVR Addon for Kodi
185.kodi-pvr-zattooZattoo PVR for Kodi
186.kodi-tools-texturepackerOpen Source Home Theatre (TexturePacker skin development tool)
187.kodi-vfs-libarchiveLibarchive VFS add-on for Kodi
188.kodi-vfs-rarRAR VFS for Kodi.
189.kodi-vfs-sftpSSH File Transfer Protocol for Kodi
190.kodi-visualization-fishbmcFishbmc audio visualization addon for Kodi
191.kodi-visualization-goomGOOM audio visualization for Kodi
192.kodi-visualization-pictureitvisualizer addons for Kodi
193.kodi-visualization-projectmProjectM audio visualization addon for Kodi
194.kodi-visualization-projectm-dataProjectM audio visualization addon for Kodi - data files
195.kodi-visualization-shadertoyShadertoy audio visualization for Kodi.
196.kodi-visualization-shadertoy-dataShadertoy audio visualization for Kodi.
197.kodi-visualization-spectrumSpectrum audio visualization addon for Kodi
198.kodi-visualization-waveformWaveform audio visualization addon for Kodi
199.kodi-visualization.goomGOOM audio visualization for Kodi (dummy transitional package)
200.kritapixel-based image manipulation program
201.krita-datadata files for Krita painting program
202.krita-l10ntranslations for Krita painting program
203.lameOpen source MP3 encoder
204.lame-docLAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder (documentation)
205.libaacplus-devAAC+ encoding library - development files
206.libaacplus-ocamlOCaml interface to the aacplus library -- runtime files
207.libaacplus-ocaml-devOCaml interface to the aacplus library -- development files
208.libaacplus-ocaml-dynlinkOCaml interface to the aacplus library -- runtime files
209.libaacplus2AAC+ encoding library - runtime files
210.libaacs-binfree-and-libre implementation of AACS (tools)
211.libaacs-devfree-and-libre implementation of AACS (development files)
212.libaacs0free-and-libre implementation of AACS
213.libaften-devaudio AC3 encoder - development files
214.libaften0audio AC3 encoder - runtime files
215.libajantv2-devOpen-source library for AJA Video Systems desktop IO cards.
216.libaom-devAV1 Video Codec Library -- Development Files
217.libaom-docAV1 Video Codec Library -- Documentation
218.libaom3AV1 Video Codec Library
219.libap4-devMP4, DASH, HLS, CMAF SDK and Tools
220.libaribb24-0t64JIS 8 bit characters and parsing MPEG-TS stream - shared library
221.libaribb24-devJIS 8 bit characters and parsing MPEG-TS stream - development files
222.libaribb25-0Basic implementation of the ARIB STD-B25 public standard - shared library
223.libaribb25-devBasic implementation of the ARIB STD-B25 public standard - development files
224.libasound2-pluginsALSA library additional plugins
225.libass-devdevelopment files for libass
226.libass9library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering
227.libaudclient-devAudacious D-Bus remote control library -
228.libaudclient2Audacious D-Bus remote control library.
229.libaudcore5t64Audacious core engine library
230.libaudgui6audacious media player (libaudgui shared library)
231.libaudqt3Audacious libaudqt shared library
232.libaudtag3t64Audacious libaudtag shared library
233.libavcodec-6-devLibrary to encode decode multimedia streams - devel files
234.libavcodec-devLibrary to encode decode multimedia streams - devel files
235.libavcodec60Library to encode decode multimedia streams - runtime files
236.libavcodec61Library to encode decode multimedia streams - runtime files
237.libavdevice-6-devFFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - development files
238.libavdevice-devFFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - development files
239.libavdevice60FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - runtime files
240.libavdevice61FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - runtime files
241.libavfilter-6-devDevelopment files for libavfilter
242.libavfilter-devDevelopment files for libavfilter
243.libavfilter10FFmpeg filter library
244.libavfilter9FFmpeg filter library
245.libavformat-6-devDevelopment files for libavformat
246.libavformat-devDevelopment files for libavformat
247.libavformat60FFmpeg file format library
248.libavformat61FFmpeg file format library
249.libavutil-6-devFFmpeg avutil devel files - devel files
250.libavutil-devFFmpeg avutil devel files - devel files
251.libavutil58FFmpeg avutil library - runtime files
252.libavutil59FFmpeg avutil library - runtime files
253.libbasicusageenvironment2multimedia RTSP streaming library (BasicUsageEnvironment class)
254.libbdplus-devBD+ library - development files
255.libbdplus0BD+ library - shared library
256.libbitstream-devC headers giving access to binary streams like MPEG or DVB
257.libblocksruntime-devBlocks Runtime (development files)
258.libblocksruntime1Blocks Runtime library
259.libbluray-bdjBlu-ray Disc Java support library (BD-J library)
260.libbluray-binBlu-ray disc playback support library (tools)
261.libbluray-devBlu-ray disc playback support library (development files)
262.libbluray2Blu-ray disc playback support library (shared library)
263.libboca-devfre:ac Component Architecture - development files
264.libboca0fre:ac Component Architecture - runtime libraries
265.libcdio++-devC++ library to read and control CD-ROM (development files)
266.libcdio++1t64C++ library to read and control CD-ROM
267.libcdio-cdda-devlibrary to read and control digital audio CDs (development files)
268.libcdio-cdda2library to read and control digital audio CDs
269.libcdio-devlibrary to read and control CD-ROM (development files)
270.libcdio-paranoia-devlibrary to read digital audio CDs with error correction (development files)
271.libcdio-paranoia2library to read digital audio CDs with error correction
272.libcdio-utilssample applications based on the CDIO libraries
273.libcdio19t64library to read and control CD-ROM
274.libcec-devUSB CEC Adaptor communication Library (development files)
275.libcec7USB CEC Adaptor communication Library (shared library)
276.libchromaprint-devAudio fingerprinting library - development files
277.libchromaprint1Audio fingerprint library
278.libcrossguid-devcross platform UUID library headers
279.libcrossguid0cross platform UUID library
280.libcue-devCUE Sheet Parser Library - development files
281.libcue2CUE Sheet Parser Library
282.libdatachannel-devC/C++ WebRTC network library - development files
283.libdatachannel0.22C/C++ WebRTC network library - runtime libraries
284.libdataquay-devDevelopment files for libdataquay0
285.libdataquay0Simple RDF for C++ and Qt applications
286.libdav1d-devfast and small AV1 video stream decoder (development files)
287.libdav1d7fast and small AV1 video stream decoder (shared library)
288.libdavs2-16Decoder of AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4 video coding standard - runtime files
289.libdavs2-devDecoder of AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4 video coding standard - devel files
290.libdca-devdecoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams (development)
291.libdca-utilsdecoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams (utilities)
292.libdca0decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams
293.libdcadec-devDTS Coherent Acoustics decoder - development files
294.libdcadec0DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder - shared library
295.libdispatch-devdevelopment files for the Grand Central Dispatch API
296.libdispatch1user space implementation of the Grand Central Dispatch API
297.libdrumstick-alsa2t64Qt5/C++ wrapper for ALSA Sequencer (shared library)
298.libdrumstick-devQt5/C++ wrapper for ALSA Sequencer - development files
299.libdrumstick-file2t64File format support library for drumstick (shared library)
300.libdrumstick-pluginsRealtime MIDI I/O with pluggable backends (Qt designer plugins)
301.libdrumstick-rt-backendsRealtime MIDI I/O backends
302.libdrumstick-rt2t64Realtime MIDI I/O with pluggable backends (shared library)
303.libdrumstick-widgets2t64Realtime MIDI I/O with pluggable backends (shared library)
304.libdts-devbackward compatibility place-holder for libdca
305.libdvbcsa-devFree implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm.
306.libdvbcsa1Free implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm.
307.libdvbpsi-devdevelopment files for libdvbpsi
308.libdvbpsi10library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generating
309.libdvdcss-devSimple foundation for reading DVDs - devel files
310.libdvdcss2Simple foundation for reading DVDs - runtime libraries
311.libebml-devAccess library for the EBML format (development files)
312.libebml5Access library for the EBML format (shared library)
313.libextractor-devextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (development)
314.libextractor-plugin-archiveextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (archive plugin)
315.libextractor-plugin-exiv2extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (exiv2 plugin)
316.libextractor-plugin-flacextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (flac plugin)
317.libextractor-plugin-gifextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (gif plugin)
318.libextractor-plugin-gstreamerextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (GStreamer plugin)
319.libextractor-plugin-htmlextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (html plugin)
320.libextractor-plugin-jpegextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (jpeg plugin)
321.libextractor-plugin-midiextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (midi plugin)
322.libextractor-plugin-mpegextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (mpeg plugin)
323.libextractor-plugin-oggextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (ogg plugin)
324.libextractor-plugin-ole2extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (ole2 plugin)
325.libextractor-plugin-pdfextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (pdf plugin)
326.libextractor-plugin-rpmextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (rpm plugin)
327.libextractor-plugin-thumbnailgtkextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (gdk pixbuf plugin)
328.libextractor-plugin-tiffextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (tiff plugin)
329.libextractor-plugins-allextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (plugins)
330.libextractor-plugins-miscextracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (miscellaneous plugins)
331.libextractor3extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (library)
332.libfaac-devAAC audio encoder - devel files.
333.libfaac0AAC audio encoder - library files.
334.libfdk-aac-devDevelopment files for libfdk-aac1.
335.libfdk-aac2Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec library.
336.libffmpegthumbnailer-devDevelopment files for ffmpegthumbnailer
337.libffmpegthumbnailer4v5Shared library for ffmpegthumbnailer
338.libffms2-5Cross platform ffmpeg wrapper library
339.libffms2-devDevelopment files for libffms2
340.libfpx-devFlashPIX OpenSource Toolkit - development files
341.libfpx1FlashPIX OpenSource Toolkit library
342.libftl-devFaster Than Light protocol - development files
343.libftl0Faster Than Light protocol - runtime libraries
344.libgpac-devmultimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard
345.libgpac12t64multimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard
346.libgroupsock30multimedia RTSP streaming library (network interfaces and sockets)
347.libgstreamer-gl1.0-0GStreamer GL libraries
348.libgstreamer-opencv1.0-0GStreamer OpenCV libraries
349.libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set
350.libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-devGStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set
351.libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0GStreamer libraries from the "base" set
352.libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devGStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set
353.libheif-devHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - development files
354.libheif-examplesHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - examples
355.libheif-plugin-aomdecHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - aomdec plugin
356.libheif-plugin-aomencHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - aomenc plugin
357.libheif-plugin-dav1dHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - dav1d plugin
358.libheif-plugin-ffmpegdecHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - ffmpegdec plugin
359.libheif-plugin-j2kdecHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - j2kdec plugin
360.libheif-plugin-j2kencHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - j2kenc plugin
361.libheif-plugin-jpegdecHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - jpegdec plugin
362.libheif-plugin-jpegencHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - jpegenc plugin
363.libheif-plugin-kvazaarHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - kvazaar plugin
364.libheif-plugin-libde265HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - libde265 plugin
365.libheif-plugin-rav1eHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - rav1e plugin
366.libheif-plugin-svtencHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - svtenc plugin
367.libheif-plugin-x265HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - x265 plugin
368.libheif-plugins-allHEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - plugins metapackage
369.libheif1HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - shared library
370.libilbc-deviLBC codec - development files
371.libilbc3iLBC codec - shared library
372.libimage-magick-perlPerl interface to the ImageMagick graphics routines
373.libimage-magick-q16-perlPerl interface to the ImageMagick graphics routines -- Q16 version
374.libimage-magick-q16hdri-perlPerl interface to the ImageMagick graphics routines -- Q16HDRI version
375.libiso9660++-devlibrary to work with ISO9660 filesystems (development files)
376.libiso9660++1library to work with ISO9660 filesystems
377.libiso9660-12library to work with ISO9660 filesystems
378.libiso9660-devlibrary to work with ISO9660 filesystems (development files)
379.libixml11t64Portable SDK for UPnP Devices (ixml shared library)
380.libk3b-devKDE CD/DVD burning application library - development files
381.libk3b-extracodecsKDE CD/DVD burning application library - extra decoders
382.libk3b8t64KDE CD/DVD burning application library - runtime files
383.libkcddb6-5CDDB library for KDE Platform (runtime)
384.libkcddb6-devCDDB library for KDE Platform (development)
385.libkf5cddb-devCDDB library for KDE Platform (development)
386.libkf5cddb5CDDB library for KDE Platform (runtime)
387.libkissfft-devMixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library (development tools)
388.libkissfft-float131Mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library
389.libklvanc-devlibrary parsing/generation of Vertical Ancillary Data (VANC)
390.libklvanc0library parsing/generation of Vertical Ancillary Data (VANC)
391.libkqueue-devDevelopment files for libkqueue
392.libkqueue0t64cross-platform library for kernel event notification
393.libkvazaar-devOpen-source HEVC encoder - development files
394.libkvazaar7Open-source HEVC encoder - shared library
395.liblavfile-2.2-0t64MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
396.liblavjpeg-2.2-0t64MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
397.liblavplay-2.2-0t64MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
398.liblivemedia-devmultimedia RTSP streaming library
399.liblivemedia116multimedia RTSP streaming library
400.libmac-devmonkey's audio lossless audio codec - devel
401.libmac12monkey's audio lossless audio codec - library
402.libmagick++-7-headersobject-oriented C++ interface to ImageMagick - header files
403.libmagick++-7.q16-5C++ interface to ImageMagick -- quantum depth Q16
404.libmagick++-7.q16-devC++ interface to ImageMagick - development files (Q16)
405.libmagick++-7.q16hdri-5C++ interface to ImageMagick -- quantum depth Q16HDRI
406.libmagick++-7.q16hdri-devC++ interface to ImageMagick - development files (Q16HDRI)
407.libmagick++-devobject-oriented C++ interface to ImageMagick -- dummy package
408.libmagickcore-7-arch-configlow-level image manipulation library - architecture header files
409.libmagickcore-7-headerslow-level image manipulation library - header files
410.libmagickcore-7.q16-10low-level image manipulation library -- quantum depth Q16
411.libmagickcore-7.q16-10-extralow-level image manipulation library - extra codecs (Q16)
412.libmagickcore-7.q16-devlow-level image manipulation library - development files (Q16)
413.libmagickcore-7.q16hdri-10low-level image manipulation library -- quantum depth Q16HDRI
414.libmagickcore-7.q16hdri-10-extralow-level image manipulation library - extra codecs (Q16HDRI)
415.libmagickcore-7.q16hdri-devlow-level image manipulation library - development files (Q16HDRI)
416.libmagickcore-devlow-level image manipulation library -- dummy package
417.libmagickwand-7-headersimage manipulation library - headers files
418.libmagickwand-7.q16-10image manipulation library -- quantum depth Q16
419.libmagickwand-7.q16-devimage manipulation library - development files (Q16)
420.libmagickwand-7.q16hdri-10image manipulation library -- quantum depth Q16HDRI
421.libmagickwand-7.q16hdri-devimage manipulation library - development files (Q16HDRI)
422.libmagickwand-devimage manipulation library -- dummy package
423.libmatroska-devExtensible open standard audio/video container format (development files)
424.libmatroska7Extensible open standard audio/video container format (shared library)
425.libmicrodns-devminimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (development files)
426.libmicrodns1minimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (shared library)
427.libmirage-devCD-ROM image access library - development files
428.libmirage-docCD-ROM image access library - documentation
429.libmirage-pluginCD-ROM image access library - plugin files
430.libmirage11CD-ROM image access library
431.libmjpegtools-devMJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
432.libmjpegutils-2.2-0t64MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
433.libmlt++-7-7MLT multimedia framework C++ wrapper (runtime)
434.libmlt++7-devMLT multimedia framework C++ wrapper (development)
435.libmlt-7-7Multimedia framework (runtime)
436.libmlt7-dataMultimedia framework (data)
437.libmlt7-devMultimedia framework (development)
438.libmlt7-perlMultimedia framework (Perl bindings)
439.libmlt7-ruby3.3Multimedia framework (Ruby 3.0 bindings)
440.libmng-devM-N-G library (Development headers)
441.libmng2Multiple-image Network Graphics library
442.libmovit-devOpenGL-based image processing on the GPU - devel files
443.libmovit8OpenGL-based image processing on the GPU - devel files
444.libmp3lame-devDevelopment files for LAME
445.libmp3lame0Shared libraries for MP3 encoding
446.libmp4v2-2MP4 container library - runtime files
447.libmp4v2-devMP4 container library - development files
448.libmpeg2encpp-2.2-0t64MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
449.libmplex2-2.2-0t64MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
450.libmypaint-commonbrush library for mypaint - common files
451.libmypaint-devDevelopment files for libmypaint
452.libmypaint-docbrush library for mypaint - documentation
453.libmypaint0MyPaint brush engine library
454.libmyth-35Common library code for MythTV and add-on modules (runtime)
455.libmyth-devCommon library code for MythTV and add-on modules (development)
456.libmythavcodec61libavcodec package for MythTV
457.libmythavdevice61libavdevice package for MythTV
458.libmythavfilter10libavfilter package for MythTV
459.libmythavformat61libavformat package for MythTV
460.libmythavutil59libavutil package for MythTV
461.libmythpostproc58libpostproc package for MythTV
462.libmythswresample5swresample package for MythTV
463.libmythswscale8libswscale package for MythTV
464.libmythtv-perlPersonal video recorder application (common data)
465.libnfs-devNFS client library (development files)
466.libnfs16NFS client library (shared library)
467.libnpupnp-devDevelopment package for the npupnp UPnP library,
468.libnpupnp13t64UPnP library, based on Pupnp code, but extensively
469.libobs-devrecorder and streamer for live video content (development files)
470.libobs0t64recorder and streamer for live video content (shared library)
471.libopenh264-8H.264 encoder/decoder from Cisco - shared library
472.libopenh264-devH.264 encoder/decoder from Cisco - development files
473.libopenshot-audio-devDevelopment files for libopenshot-audio
474.libopenshot-audio10Audio library used by OpenShot
475.libopenshot-devDevelopment files for libopenshot
476.libopenshot27Library for creating and editing videos
477.liboss4-salsa-asound2OSS to Alsa compatibility library - binary compatibility symlink
478.liboss4-salsa2OSS to Alsa compatibility library
479.libp8-platform-devPlatform support library -- development files
480.libp8-platform2Platform support library
481.libpcre16-3Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - 16 bit runtime files
482.libpcre3Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files
483.libpcre3-devOld Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - development files
484.libpcre32-3Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - 32 bit runtime files
485.libpcrecpp0v5Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - C++ runtime files
486.libplacebo-devGPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives (development files)
487.libplacebo349GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives (shared library)
488.libpostproc-6-devpostproc devel files
489.libpostproc-devpostproc devel files
490.libpostproc57postproc shared libraries
491.libpostproc58postproc shared libraries
492.libpthread-workqueue-devthread pool library (development files)
493.libpthread-workqueue0thread pool library
494.libretro-beetle-pce-fastLibretro wrapper for the Beetle PCE FAST core
495.librist-devReliable Internet Stream Transport - development files
496.librist4Reliable Internet Stream Transport - runtime files
497.librtmp-devToolkit for RTMP streams (development files)
498.librtmp1Toolkit for RTMP streams (shared library)
499.librubberband-devaudio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library (development files)
500.librubberband3audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library
501.libshairplay-devEmulates an AirPort Express server (development files).
502.libshairplay0Emulates an AirPort Express server (shared library).
503.libsmooth-0.9-0oriented C++ class library - runtime libraries
504.libsmooth-devoriented C++ class library - development files
505.libsonivox-devWave Table synthesizer, using embedded samples - devel files
506.libsonivox3Wave Table synthesizer, using embedded samples - runtime files
507.libsuil-0-0library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs - shared library
508.libsuil-devC library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs - development files
509.libsvoxeas-devLinux synthesizer shared library, using ALSA Sequencer and PulseAudio
510.libsvoxeas1Linux synthesizer shared library, using ALSA Sequencer and PulseAudio
511.libsvtav1enc-devScalable Video Technology for AV1 (libsvtav1enc development files)
512.libsvtav1enc3Scalable Video Technology for AV1 (libsvtav1enc shared library)
513.libsvtvp9enc-devScalable Video Technology for VP9 Encoder - development files
514.libsvtvp9enc1Scalable Video Technology for VP9 Encoder - runtime files
515.libswresample-6-devFFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files
516.libswresample-devFFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files
517.libswresample4FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files
518.libswresample5FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files
519.libswscale-6-devFFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - development files
520.libswscale-devFFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - development files
521.libswscale7FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - runtime files
522.libswscale8FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - runtime files
523.libsynfig-devsynfig library development files
524.libsynfig0t64render library and plugins for synfig 2D animation
525.libtwolame-devMPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder (development files)
526.libtwolame0MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library
527.libtxc-dxtn-devDevelopment files for S3 Texture Compression (S3TC) library
528.libtxc-dxtn0S3 Texture Compression (S3TC) library
529.libudf-devlibrary to work with UDF filesystems (development files)
530.libudf0t64library to work with UDF filesystems
531.libudfread-devUDF reader library (development files)
532.libudfread0UDF reader library
533.libupnp-devPortable SDK for UPnP Devices (development files)
534.libupnp-docDocumentation for the Portable SDK for UPnP Devices
535.libupnp17t64Portable SDK for UPnP Devices (shared library)
536.libusageenvironment3multimedia RTSP streaming library (UsageEnvironment classes)
537.libvamp-hostsdk3t64helper library for Vamp hosts written in C++
538.libvamp-sdk2t64helper library for Vamp plugins written in C++
539.libvcdinfo-devlibrary to extract information from VideoCD (development files)
540.libvcdinfo0library to extract information from VideoCD
541.libvidstab-devVideo stabilization library.
542.libvidstab1.2Video stabilization library.
543.libvlc-bintools for VLC's base library
544.libvlc-devdevelopment files for libvlc
545.libvlc5multimedia player and streamer library
546.libvlccore-devdevelopment files for libvlccore
547.libvlccore9base library for VLC and its modules
548.libvmaf-devVideo Multi-Method Assessment Fusion - development files
549.libvmaf3Video Multi-Method Assessment Fusion - runtime library
550.libvpl-devoneAPI Video Processing Library - development files
551.libvpl2oneAPI Video Processing Library - shared library
552.libvvdec-devFraunhofer Versatile Video Decoder - devel files.
553.libvvdec3Fraunhofer Versatile Video Decoder - runtime files.
554.libvvenc-devFraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder - devel files.
555.libvvenc1.13Fraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder - runtime files.
556.libw2xc-devdevelopment files for image super-resolution for anime-style art
557.libw2xc0image super-resolution for anime-style art library
558.libwxsvg-devDevelopment files for wxSVG
559.libwxsvg3t64SVG library for the wxWidgets toolkit
560.libx264-164x264 video coding library
561.libx264-devDevelopment files for libx264
562.libx265-215x265 video coding library
563.libx265-devdevelopment files for libx265
564.libx265-docH.265/HEVC video stream encoder (documentation)
565.libxavs2-13Encoder of AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4 video coding standard - runtime files
566.libxavs2-devEncoder of AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4 video coding standard - devel files
567.libxine2Xine media player library, meta-package (development branch)
568.libxine2-all-pluginsXine video/media player library, meta package for all plugins
569.libxine2-binXine video/media player library, binary files
570.libxine2-consolelibaa/libcaca/framebuffer related plugins for libxine2
571.libxine2-devXine video player library, development packages
572.libxine2-docXine video player library, documentation files
573.libxine2-ffmpegMPEG-related plugins for libxine2
574.libxine2-gnomeGNOME-related plugins for libxine2
575.libxine2-misc-pluginsInput, audio output and post plugins for libxine2
576.libxine2-pluginsXine video/media player library, meta package
577.libxine2-vdrVDR-related plugins for libxine2
578.libxine2-xX desktop video output plugins for libxine2
579.libxine2-xvdrXine input plugin for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput streams
580.libxineliboutput-fbfeLocal framebuffer frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
581.libxineliboutput-sxfeLocal X-Server frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
582.libxineliboutput-wlfeLocal wayland frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
583.libxvidcore-devHigh quality ISO MPEG4 codec library - development files
584.libxvidcore4High quality ISO MPEG4 codec library
585.libzimg-devdevelopment files for the zimg library
586.libzimg2scaling, colorspace conversion and dithering library
587.livemedia-utilsmultimedia RTSP streaming tools
588.lv2-devLV2 audio plugin specification
589.lxsplitHJSplit for Linux
590.m2vrequantiserMPEG-2 streams requantization
591.mameMultiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME)
592.mame-dataMultiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) -- data files
593.mame-docDocumentation for MAME
594.mame-toolsTools for MAME and MESS Qt frontend.
596.melt7Command line media player and video editor
597.mencoderMPlayer's Movie Encoder
598.minidlnaMedia server
599.mjpegtoolsMJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
600.monkeys-audiomonkey's audio lossless audio codec - binary
601.motioneyeweb-based frontend for motion
602.mp4joinerJoin multiple MP4 files
603.mp4splitterSplit multiple MP4 files
604.mp4toolsSuite of scripts to encode Audio and Video in many formats
605.mp4tools-joinsplit-dataSplit multiple MP4 files
606.mp4v2-utilsend-to-end system to explore streaming multimedia
607.mpccommand-line tool to interface MPD
608.mpdMusic Player Daemon
609.mpglenscan through a MPEG file and count the number of GOPs and frames
610.mplayerUltimate Movie Player For Linux
611.mplayer-docDocumentation for mplayer
612.mpvFree and open-source general-purpose video player
613.mumudvbMulticasts all channels of a DVB transponder on a network
614.mustang-plugControl Fender Mustang amplifiers.
615.mytharchiveCreate and burn DVD's from MythTV - binary file
616.mytharchive-dataCreate and burn DVD's from MythTV - data files
617.mythbrowserSmall web browser module for MythTV
618.mythffmpegSpecial ffmpeg version for nuvexport
619.mythgameEmulator & PC Game frontend module for MythTV
620.mythmusicMusic add-on module for MythTV
621.mythnewsRSS feed news reader module for MythTV
622.mythpluginsWrapper package for MythTV plugins
623.mythtvPersonal video recorder application (client and server)
624.mythtv-backendPersonal video recorder application (server)
625.mythtv-commonPersonal video recorder application (common data)
626.mythtv-databasePersonal video recorder application (database)
627.mythtv-docPersonal video recorder application (documentation)
628.mythtv-frontendPersonal video recorder application (client)
629.mythtv-transcodeUtilities used for transcoding MythTV tasks
630.mythweatherWeather add-on module for MythTV
631.mythwebWeb frontend to control MythTV through a web browser
632.mythzoneminderSystem for monitoring cctv cameras
633.ncmpcncurses-based audio player
634.ncmpc-lyricsncurses-based audio player (lyrics plugins)
635.nnedi3-weights.binintra-field only deinterlacer filter for vapoursynth.
636.nv-codec-headersFFmpeg version of headers for Nvidias codec APIs
637.obs-pluginsrecorder and streamer for live video content (plugins)
638.obs-studiorecorder and streamer for live video content
639.onvif-guiONVIF IP camera GUI
640.opencolorio-configs-natronOpenColorIO configuration files.
641.openfx-misc-natronMiscellaneous OFX / OpenFX / Open Effects plugins
642.openshot-qtCreate and edit videos and movies.
643.opentoonzfull-featured 2D animation creation software
644.opentoonz-dataOpen-source full-featured 2D animation creation software (data package)
645.oss4-baseOpen Sound System - base package
646.oss4-devOpen Sound System - development files
647.oss4-dkmsOpen Sound System - DKMS module sources
648.oss4-gtkOpen Sound System - simple GTK2-based mixer control
649.oss4-sourceOpen Sound System - drivers sources
650.owntoneMedia server with support for RSP, DAAP, DACP and AirTunes protocol
651.pcregrepgrep utility that uses perl 5 compatible regexes.
652.perlmagickPerl interface to ImageMagick -- dummy package
653.pgmfindclipautomatically find a clipping border for a sequence of pgm images
654.phonon-backend-vlc-commonPhonon VLC backends - shared files
655.phonon4qt5-backend-vlcPhonon4Qt5 VLC backend
656.phonon4qt6-backend-vlcPhonon4Qt6 VLC backend
657.photofilmstripSlideshow creator with Ken Burns effect
658.php-mythtvPHP Bindings for MythTV
659.plugtransitional package plug
660.project-xDVB demuxing tool
661.python3-avioPython3 library for processing media streams
662.python3-boxPython dictionaries with advanced dot notation access
663.python3-cdioPython OO interface to libcdio
664.python3-disciddiscid implements Python bindings for MusicBrainz Libdiscid
665.python3-futureClean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 - Python 3.x
666.python3-gladGL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator
667.python3-iso639-langiso639-lang python
668.python3-jetpytoolsCollection of stuff that's useful in general python programming.
669.python3-kankakeeServer/Client python module designed for use in OnvifGUI
670.python3-libcecPython bindings for libCEC
671.python3-liblivemediaRTSP Proxy Server python module for use in Onvif-GUI
672.python3-mlt7Multimedia framework (python bindings)
673.python3-mythtvPersonal video recorder application (common data)
674.python3-onvifONVIF IP camera command line and GUI tools
675.python3-openshotPython bindings for libopenshot
676.python3-requests-cachepersistent cache for requests library (Python 3)
677.python3-reusablescommonly consumed code commodities in Python.
678.python3-rgainReplay Gain volume normalization Python tools
679.python3-scenedetectVideo scene cut detection and analysis tool
680.python3-setupmetaSimplify your
681.python3-stgpytoolsCollection of stuff that's useful in general python programming.
682.python3-surealSubjective quality scores recovery from noisy measurements.
683.python3-vapoursynth-aaVapourSynth anti aliasing and scaling functions.
684.python3-vapoursynth-adjustAdjust vapursynth script.
685.python3-vapoursynth-debandcollection of wrappers and functions for debanding.
686.python3-vapoursynth-dehaloCollection of dehaloing VapourSynth functions.
687.python3-vapoursynth-deinterlaceVapourSynth deinterlacing and interlaced/telecined content helper functions.
688.python3-vapoursynth-denoiseVapourSynth denoising, regression, and motion-compensation functions.
689.python3-vapoursynth-engineEngine for vapoursynth previewers, renderers and script analyis tools.
690.python3-vapoursynth-exprtoolsVapourSynth functions and helpers for writing RPN expressions.
691.python3-vapoursynth-havsfuncHoly's ported AviSynth functions for VapourSynth.
692.python3-vapoursynth-kernelsKernel objects for scaling and format conversion within VapourSynth
693.python3-vapoursynth-masktoolstools and functions to manage, create, and manipulate masks in VapourSynth
694.python3-vapoursynth-mvsfuncmawen1250's VapourSynth functions
695.python3-vapoursynth-nnedi3-resampleVapourSynth script for easy resizing
696.python3-vapoursynth-previewStandalone previewer for VapourSynth scripts
697.python3-vapoursynth-pypluginTool for simplifying writing VapourSynth "plugins" in python.
698.python3-vapoursynth-rgtoolsWrapper for RGVS, RGSF, and various other functions.
699.python3-vapoursynth-scaleVapourSynth (de)scale functions.
700.python3-vapoursynth-sourceWrapper for DVD file structure and ISO files
701.python3-vapoursynth-toolsFunctions and utils related to VapourSynth
702.python3-vmafVideo Multi-Method Assessment Fusion - python3 bindings
703.python3-vs-debandcollection of wrappers and functions for debanding.
704.python3-vs-engineEngine for vapoursynth previewers, renderers and script analyis tools.
705.python3-vs-sourceWrapper for DVD file structure and ISO files
706.qarteArte TV Browser.
707.qmmpFeature-rich audio player with support of many formats
708.qmmp-plugin-projectmqmmp audio player -- projectM visualization plugin
709.qmplay2Qt Media Player 2
710.qownnotesnote-taking utility in Qt
711.qownnotes-l10nnote-taking utility in Qt
712.retroarchSimple frontend for the libretro library
713.retroarch-devDevelopment files for the libretro library
714.rsgainReplayGain 2.0 command line utility
715.rtmpdumpSmall dumper for media content streamed over the RTMP protocol
716.rubberband-cliaudio time-stretching and pitch-shifting utility
717.rubberband-ladspaLADSPA plugin for audio pitch-shifting
718.rubberband-lv2LV2 plugin using Rubber Band.
719.rubberband-vampVamp plugins using Rubber Band.
720.shortenfast, low complexity waveform coder.
721.shotcutVideo editor
722.shotcut-dataVideo editor
723.slowmovideocreates slow-motion videos from your footage.
724.smillaenlargergraphical tool to resize bitmaps in high quality.
725.smplayerComplete front-end for MPlayer and mpv
726.smplayer-l10nComplete front-end for MPlayer and mpv - translation files
727.smtubeYouTube videos browser
728.sonic-visualiserView and analyse the contents of music audio files
729.sonivoxeas-cliSonivox EAS for Linux
730.sonivoxeas-guiSonivox EAS for Linux and Qt
731.soundkonverteraudio converter frontend for KDE
732.spek-xtransitional package for spek
733.spettroScrolling log-frequency-axis spectrogram audio player
734.submux-dvdsubtitle multiplexer, muxes subtitles into .vob
735.svt-av1Scalable Video Technology for AV1 Encoder
736.svt-vp9Scalable Video Technology for VP9 Encoder
737.synfigvector-based 2D animation renderer
738.synfig-examplessynfig animation examples
739.synfigstudiovector-based 2D animation package (graphical user interface)
740.tagbkupback up and restore mp3 tags
741.telxccTeletext closed captioning decoder.
742.tsmuxerUtility to create TS and M2TS files.
743.tsmuxerguiUtility to create TS and M2TS files.
744.ttaencTTA free lossless audio compressor
745.tvheadendTV streaming server and digital video recorder
746.tvheadend-dataTV streaming server and recorder
747.twolameMPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder (command line frontend)
748.udpxyUDP-to-HTTP multicast traffic relay daemon
749.upnp-router-controlUPnP compliant router manager
750.vamp-examplesexample Vamp plugins host and RDF generator
751.vamp-plugin-sdkaudio analysis and feature extraction plugins (SDK)
752.vamp-plugin-sdk-docaudio analysis and feature extraction plugins (API documentation)
753.vapoursynthframeserver for the 21st century
754.vapoursynth-addgraingenerates film like grain
755.vapoursynth-autocropAutocrop for vapoursynth.
756.vapoursynth-awarpsharp2Sharpens by warping
757.vapoursynth-beziercurvebézier curve plugin for vapoursynth.
758.vapoursynth-bifrosttemporal derainbowing filter
759.vapoursynth-bilateralBilateral filter for VapourSynth
760.vapoursynth-bm3dBM3D denoising filter for VapourSynth
761.vapoursynth-bwdifyadif based filter for VapourSynth.
762.vapoursynth-casContrast Adaptive Sharpening vapoursynth plugin.
763.vapoursynth-cnr2Chroma noise reducer for vapoursynth
764.vapoursynth-colorbarsColor Bar Generator for vapoursynth
765.vapoursynth-combmaskcomb mask create filter
766.vapoursynth-convo2dSpatial convolution filter for VapourSynth
767.vapoursynth-ctmfConstant Time Median Filtering for varpoursynth
768.vapoursynth-curveCurve filter for vapoursynth
769.vapoursynth-d2vsourceD2V parser and decoder for VapourSynth
770.vapoursynth-dambBasic audio support for vapoursynth
771.vapoursynth-dctfilterDCT (Discrete cosine transform) filter for vapoursynth
772.vapoursynth-deblockdeblock filter for vapoursynth
773.vapoursynth-deblockpp7DeblockPP7 filter for VapourSynth
774.vapoursynth-decrossSpatio-temporal derainbow filter
775.vapoursynth-dedotTemporal rainbow and dotcrawl filter for vapoursynth
776.vapoursynth-degrainmedianSpatio-temporal limited median denoiser
777.vapoursynth-delogoDeLogo for vapoursynth
778.vapoursynth-descalevapoursynth plugin to undo upscaling.
779.vapoursynth-devframeserver for the 21st century - development files
780.vapoursynth-dfttest2D/3D frequency domain denoiser
781.vapoursynth-docframeserver for the 21st century - documentation
782.vapoursynth-editorEditor for VapourSynth scripts
783.vapoursynth-eedi2edge-directed interpolation for deinterlacing
784.vapoursynth-eedid3edge-directed interpolation filter for vapoursynth
785.vapoursynth-ffms2Vapoursynth plugin
786.vapoursynth-fft3dfilterVapourSynth port of FFT3DFilter
787.vapoursynth-fieldhintFieldhint plugin for VapourSynth
788.vapoursynth-fillbordersFills the borders of a clip
789.vapoursynth-flash3kyuu-debanddeband filter for vapoursynth
790.vapoursynth-fluxsmoothfilter for smoothing of fluctuations
791.vapoursynth-fmtconvFormat conversion tools for Vapoursynth
792.vapoursynth-genericfiltersset of common image-processing filters for VapourSynth
793.vapoursynth-histogramHistogram plugin for vapoursynth
794.vapoursynth-hqdn3dHigh Quality DeNoise 3D performs a 3-way low-pass filter
795.vapoursynth-imwriimage reader and writer for VapourSynth.
796.vapoursynth-itInverse Telecine plugin for vapoursynth
797.vapoursynth-knlmeansclnon-local means de-noising for vapoursynth
798.vapoursynth-medianmedian filter for vapoursynth
799.vapoursynth-minideenSpatial denoising filter for vapoursynth
800.vapoursynth-miscfilters-obsoleteMiscellaneous filters for Vapoursynth
801.vapoursynth-motionmaskMotionMask filter for vapoursynth
802.vapoursynth-msmooshMSharpen and MSmooth filter for vapoursynth.
803.vapoursynth-mvtoolsset of vapoursynth filters for motion estimation and compensation.
804.vapoursynth-mvtools-sfSingle Precision MVTools for vapoursynth
805.vapoursynth-nnedi3intra-field only deinterlacer filter for vapoursynth.
806.vapoursynth-nnedi3clNNEDI3CL filter for VapourSynth
807.vapoursynth-noisegenVapouSynth noise generator
808.vapoursynth-ocrOCR plugin for VapourSynth .
809.vapoursynth-rainbowsmoothadds edge detection to vapoursynth-smoothuv
810.vapoursynth-rawsourceRaw format video reader for VapourSynth
811.vapoursynth-readmplsReads a mpls file and returns a dictionary, not a clip.
812.vapoursynth-reduceflickerReduceFlicker for VapourSynth
813.vapoursynth-removegrainremovegrain and repair plugins from Avisynth.
814.vapoursynth-retinexRetinex algorithm for vapoursynth
815.vapoursynth-sangnommodsingle field deinterlacer (mainly used in anti-aliasing scripts).
816.vapoursynth-scrawlsimple text output plugin for vapoursynth
817.vapoursynth-scxvidScene change detection plugin for VapourSynth, using xvidcore
818.vapoursynth-smoothuvvapoursynth chroma smoothing filter
819.vapoursynth-ssiqSmart Smoother IQ vapoursynth filter
820.vapoursynth-subtextvapoursynth subtitle renderer.
821.vapoursynth-tc2cfrvapoursynth timecode converter
822.vapoursynth-tcannyBuilds an edge map using canny edge detection
823.vapoursynth-tcombtemporal comb filter for vapoursynth
824.vapoursynth-tdeintmodcombination of TDeint and TMM filter for vapoursynth
825.vapoursynth-templinearapproximatemotion-compensated temporal denoising for vapoursynth
826.vapoursynth-temporalmedianCalculates temporal median for vapoursynth
827.vapoursynth-temporalsoftenRemove noise from a video clip by selectively blending pixels.
828.vapoursynth-temporalsoften2Temporal denoising filter for vapoursynth
829.vapoursynth-timecubeSimultaneous 4-day time cube
830.vapoursynth-tivtcField matching and decimation filters (inverse telecine).
831.vapoursynth-tnlmeansTNLMeans for VapourSynth
832.vapoursynth-tonemapTonemap plugin for VapourSynth
833.vapoursynth-ttempsmoothTTempSmooth filter for VapourSynth
834.vapoursynth-vfrtocfrVapoursynth port of VFRToCFR
835.vapoursynth-videoscopeshows waveform monitors and a vectorscope
836.vapoursynth-vivtcField matcher and decimation filter for VapourSynth.
837.vapoursynth-vmafVideo Multi-Method Assessment Fusion for Vapoursynth
838.vapoursynth-wwxdXvid-like scene change detection for vapoursynth
839.vapoursynth-yadifmodYet Another DeInterlacing Filter for vapoursynth
840.vapoursynth-znedi3nnedi3 filter for vapoursynth
841.vapousynth-imwritransitional dummy package
842.vautodeintvapoursynth script for auto interlacing detection and deinterlace
843.vcdimagerVideoCD (VCD) image mastering and ripping tool
844.vdr-plugin-vnsiserverVDR plugin to handle XBMC clients.
845.vdr-plugin-xineliboutputVDR plugin for Xine based sofdevice frontends
846.vhba-dkmsVHBA virtual host bus adapter module.
847.videotransDVD authoring utilities.
848.vlcmultimedia player and streamer
849.vlc-binbinaries from VLC
850.vlc-dataCommon data for VLC
851.vlc-l10nTranslations for VLC
852.vlc-plugin-access-extramultimedia player and streamer (extra access plugins)
853.vlc-plugin-basemultimedia player and streamer (base plugins)
854.vlc-plugin-fluidsynthFluidSynth plugin for VLC
855.vlc-plugin-jackJack audio plugins for VLC
856.vlc-plugin-notifyLibNotify plugin for VLC
857.vlc-plugin-qtmultimedia player and streamer (Qt plugin)
858.vlc-plugin-sambaSamba plugin for VLC
859.vlc-plugin-skins2multimedia player and streamer (Skins2 plugin)
860.vlc-plugin-svgSVG plugin for VLC
861.vlc-plugin-video-outputmultimedia player and streamer (video output plugins)
862.vlc-plugin-video-splittermultimedia player and streamer (video splitter plugins)
863.vlc-plugin-visualizationmultimedia player and streamer (visualization plugins)
864.vmafVideo Multi-Method Assessment Fusion.
865.vmaf-modelsVideo Multi-Method Assessment Fusion - defaults models
866.vmpkVirtual MIDI Piano Keyboard
867.vobsub2srtconvert .idx/.sub subtitles into .srt
868.vqmtVideo Quality Measurement Tool.
869.vstream-clientlibrary and utility to fetch media streams from a TIVO
870.vstream-client-devDevelopment headers for vstream-client
871.vvdecFraunhofer Versatile Video Decoder (VVdeC)
872.vvencFraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder (VVenC)
873.whipperCD-DA ripper preferring accuracy over speed.
874.wobblyIVTC assistant for VapourSynth
875.wrk2midcakewalk to standard MIDI files translator
876.x264Video encoder for the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard
877.x265video encoder for the H.265/HEV standard
878.xavs2AVS2 (IEEE 1857.4) encoder - command-line tool
879.xcutmp3Simple frontend for cutmp3.
880.xine-consoleXine video player, user interface
881.xine-uiXine video player, user interface
882.xineliboutput-fbfeRemote Framebuffer frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
883.xineliboutput-sxfeRemote X-Server frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
884.xineliboutput-wlfeRemote Wauyland frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
885.xvid4confcreates XviD configuration files
886.xvidencShell script which makes it easy to encode DVDs to Xvid. of videos from web page.
888.youtubedl-guiGUI on yt-dlp (ie, youtube-dl) to download videos from a variety of sites of videos from web page.
890.zoneminderLinux video camera security and surveillance solution
891.zoneminder-docZoneMinder documentation