.org repository

- Oldoldstable-backports/buster-backports

1.amf-codec-headersAdvanced Media Framework (AMF) header files.
2.aom-toolsAV1 Video Codec Library -- Tools
3.cec-utilsUSB CEC Adaptor communication Library (utility programs)
4.cmakecross-platform, open-source make system
5.cmake-curses-guicurses based user interface for CMake (ccmake)
6.cmake-dataCMake data files (modules, templates and documentation)
7.cmake-docextended documentation in various formats for CMake
8.cmake-qt-guiQt based user interface for CMake (cmake-gui)
9.cmuslightweight ncurses audio player
10.cmus-plugin-ffmpeglightweight ncurses audio player (FFmpeg plugin)
11.cppmyth-docLibrary to interoperate with MythTV server - documentation files
12.darkice-fullLive audio streamer
13.dav1dfast and small AV1 video stream decoder
14.etl-devExtended Class and Template Library
15.ffmpegaudio/video encoder, streaming server & audio/video file converter
16.ffmpeg-docDocumentation of the FFmpeg API
17.gerberaUPnP MediaServer
18.gerbera-docUPnP MediaServer - documentation's framework for writing and using C++ mock classes
20.googletestGoogle's C++ test framework sources
21.googletest-toolsGoogle's C++ test framework sources
22.gpacmultimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard
23.gpac-modules-baseGPAC Project on Advanced Content - modules
24.handbrakeVersatile DVD ripper and video transcoder
25.handbrake-cliVersatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (command line)
26.handbrake-gtkVersatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (GTK GUI)
27.icecast2Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming media server
28.kissfft-toolsMixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library (CLI tools)
29.kodiOpen Source Home Theatre (executable binaries)
30.kodi-addons-devOpen Source Home Theatre (Addons Dev package)
31.kodi-addons-dev-commonOpen Source Home Theatre (architecture-independent addon development package)
32.kodi-audiodecoder-modplugModplug audio decoder for Kodi.
33.kodi-audiodecoder-openmptOpenMPT audio decoder for Kodi
34.kodi-audiodecoder-sidplaySidPlay audio decoder for Kodi.
35.kodi-audioencoder-flacFLAC audio encoder add-on for Kodi
36.kodi-audioencoder-lameLAME (mp3) audio encoder add-on for Kodi
37.kodi-audioencoder-vorbisVorbis audio encoder add-on for Kodi
38.kodi-audioencoder-wavWAV audio encoder add-on for Kodi
39.kodi-dataOpen Source Home Theatre (arch-independent data package)
40.kodi-eventclients-commonOpen Source Home Theatre (Event Client Common package)
41.kodi-eventclients-ps3Open Source Home Theatre (Event Client PS3 package)
42.kodi-eventclients-wiiremoteOpen Source Home Theatre (Event Client WII Remote support package)
43.kodi-imagedecoder-heifHEIF image decoder for Kodi
44.kodi-inputstream-adaptiveadaptive inputstream addon for Kodi.
45.kodi-inputstream-ffmpegdirectFFmpegDirect inputstream addon for Kodi
46.kodi-inputstream-rtmpKodi input stream addon for RTMP.
47.kodi-peripheral-joystickKodi Joystick Library
48.kodi-pvr-argustvARGUS TV PVR addon for Kodi
49.kodi-pvr-dvblinkKodi DVBLink PVR Client
50.kodi-pvr-dvbviewerDVBViewer Kodi PVR Addon
51.kodi-pvr-filmonFilmon PVR client addon for Kodi
52.kodi-pvr-hdhomerunHDHomeRun PVR Addon for Kodi
53.kodi-pvr-htsKodi PVR Addon TvHeadend Hts
54.kodi-pvr-iptvsimpleIPTV Simple Client Kodi PVR Addon
55.kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserverMediaPortal's TV-Server PVR addon for Kodi
56.kodi-pvr-mythtvMythTV PVR Addon for Kodi
57.kodi-pvr-mythtv-cmythTransitional package to install kodi-pvr-mythtv
58.kodi-pvr-nextpvrNextPVR PVR addon for Kodi
59.kodi-pvr-njoyNJOY PVR Addon for Kodi
60.kodi-pvr-pctvPCTV PVR client addon for Kodi
61.kodi-pvr-stalkerStalker Middleware PVR client addon for Kodi
62.kodi-pvr-vboxVBox Home TV Gateway addon for Kodi
63.kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsiVDR PVR client addon for Kodi
64.kodi-pvr-vuplusEnigma2 PVR client addon for Kodi
65.kodi-pvr-wmcWMC PVR Addon for Kodi
66.kodi-pvr-zattooZattoo PVR for Kodi
67.kodi-tools-texturepackerOpen Source Home Theatre (TexturePacker skin development tool)
68.kodi-vfs-libarchiveLibarchive VFS add-on for Kodi
69.kodi-vfs-rarRAR VFS for Kodi.
70.kodi-vfs-sftpSSH File Transfer Protocol for Kodi
71.kodi-visualization-fishbmcFishbmc audio visualization addon for Kodi
72.kodi-visualization-goomGOOM audio visualization for Kodi
73.kodi-visualization-pictureitvisualizer addons for Kodi
74.kodi-visualization-shadertoyShadertoy audio visualization for Kodi.
75.kodi-visualization-shadertoy-dataShadertoy audio visualization for Kodi.
76.kodi-visualization-spectrumSpectrum audio visualization addon for Kodi
77.kodi-visualization-waveformWaveform audio visualization addon for Kodi
78.kodi-visualization.goomGOOM audio visualization for Kodi (dummy transitional package)
79.libaom-devAV1 Video Codec Library -- Development Files
80.libaom-docAV1 Video Codec Library -- Documentation
81.libaom3AV1 Video Codec Library
82.libavcodec-devLibrary to encode decode multimedia streams - devel files
83.libavcodec58Library to encode decode multimedia streams - runtime files
84.libavdevice-devFFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - development files
85.libavdevice58FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - runtime files
86.libavfilter-devDevelopment files for libavfilter
87.libavfilter7FFmpeg filter library
88.libavformat-devDevelopment files for libavformat
89.libavformat58FFmpeg file format library
90.libavresample-devFFmpeg compatibility library for resampling - development files
91.libavresample4FFmpeg compatibility library for resampling - runtime files
92.libavutil-devFFmpeg avutil devel files - devel files
93.libavutil56FFmpeg avutil library - runtime files
94.libbasicusageenvironment1multimedia RTSP streaming library (BasicUsageEnvironment class)
95.libbluray-bdjBlu-ray Disc Java support library (BD-J library)
96.libbluray-binBlu-ray disc playback support library (tools)
97.libbluray-devBlu-ray disc playback support library (development files)
98.libbluray2Blu-ray disc playback support library (shared library)
99.libcdio++-devC++ library to read and control CD-ROM (development files)
100.libcdio++1C++ library to read and control CD-ROM
101.libcdio-devlibrary to read and control CD-ROM (development files)
102.libcdio-utilssample applications based on the CDIO libraries
103.libcdio19library to read and control CD-ROM
104.libcec-devUSB CEC Adaptor communication Library (development files)
105.libcec6USB CEC Adaptor communication Library (shared library)
106.libcppmyth-devLibrary to interoperate with MythTV server - devel files
107.libcppmyth2Library to interoperate with MythTV server - runtime files
108.libdav1d-devfast and small AV1 video stream decoder (development files)
109.libdav1d5fast and small AV1 video stream decoder (shared library)
110.libebml-devAccess library for the EBML format (development files)
111.libebml5Access library for the EBML format (shared library)
112.libfmt-devfast type-safe C++ formatting library -- development files
113.libfmt-docfast type-safe C++ formatting library -- documentation
114.libfmt7fast type-safe C++ formatting library -- library
115.libgmock-devGoogle's framework for writing C++ tests
116.libgpac-devmultimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard
117.libgpac10multimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard
118.libgroupsock8multimedia RTSP streaming library (network interfaces and sockets)
119.libgtest-devGoogle's framework for writing C++ tests
120.libiso9660++-devlibrary to work with ISO9660 filesystems (development files)
121.libiso9660++0library to work with ISO9660 filesystems
122.libiso9660-11library to work with ISO9660 filesystems
123.libiso9660-devlibrary to work with ISO9660 filesystems (development files)
124.libixml11Portable SDK for UPnP Devices (ixml shared library)
125.libkissfft-devMixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library (development tools)
126.libkissfft-float131Mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library
127.libkvazaar-devOpen-source HEVC encoder - development files
128.libkvazaar6Open-source HEVC encoder - shared library
129.liblavfile-2.2-0MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
130.liblavjpeg-2.2-0MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
131.liblavplay-2.2-0MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
132.liblivemedia-devmultimedia RTSP streaming library
133.liblivemedia81multimedia RTSP streaming library
134.libmac-devmonkey's audio lossless audio codec - devel
135.libmac10monkey's audio lossless audio codec - library
136.libmac11monkey's audio lossless audio codec - library
137.libmatroska-devExtensible open standard audio/video container format (development files)
138.libmatroska7Extensible open standard audio/video container format (shared library)
139.libmicrodns-devminimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (development files)
140.libmicrodns0minimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (shared library)
141.libmjpegtools-devMJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
142.libmjpegutils-2.2-0MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
143.libmlt++-devMLT multimedia framework C++ wrapper (development)
144.libmlt++3MLT multimedia framework C++ wrapper (runtime)
145.libmlt-dataMultimedia framework (data)
146.libmlt-devMultimedia framework (development)
147.libmlt-perlMultimedia framework (Perl bindings)
148.libmlt-rubyMultimedia framework (Ruby bindings)
149.libmlt-ruby2.5Multimedia framework (Ruby 2.5 bindings)
150.libmlt6Multimedia framework (runtime)
151.libmpeg2encpp-2.2-0MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
152.libmplex2-2.2-0MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library)
153.libmysofa-devlibrary to read HRTFs stored in the AES69-2015 SOFA format - development files
154.libmysofa-utilslibrary to read HRTFs stored in the AES69-2015 SOFA format - utilities
155.libmysofa0library to read HRTFs stored in the AES69-2015 SOFA format
156.libmyth-31Common library code for MythTV and add-on modules (runtime)
157.libmyth-devCommon library code for MythTV and add-on modules (development)
158.libmythavcodec58libavcodec package for MythTV
159.libmythavdevice58libavdevice package for MythTV
160.libmythavfilter7libavfilter package for MythTV
161.libmythavformat58libavformat package for MythTV
162.libmythavutil56libavutil package for MythTV
163.libmythpostproc55libpostproc package for MythTV
164.libmythswresample3swresample package for MythTV
165.libmythswscale5libswscale package for MythTV
166.libmythtv-perlPersonal video recorder application (common data)
167.libobs-devrecorder and streamer for live video content (development files)
168.libobs0recorder and streamer for live video content (shared library)
169.libopenh264-6H.264 encoder/decoder from Cisco - shared library
170.libopenh264-devH.264 encoder/decoder from Cisco - development files
171.libplacebo-devGPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives (development files)
172.libplacebo43GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives (shared library)
173.libpostproc-devpostproc devel files
174.libpostproc55postproc shared libraries
175.libspdlog-devVery fast, header only or compiled, C++ logging library
176.libspdlog1Very fast C++ logging library
177.libswresample-devFFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files
178.libswresample3FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files
179.libswscale-devFFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - development files
180.libswscale5FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - runtime files
181.libsynfig-devsynfig library development files
182.libsynfig0arender library and plugins for synfig 2D animation
183.libudf-devlibrary to work with UDF filesystems (development files)
184.libudf0library to work with UDF filesystems
185.libudfread-devUDF reader library (development files)
186.libudfread0UDF reader library
187.libupnp-devPortable SDK for UPnP Devices (development files)
188.libupnp-docDocumentation for the Portable SDK for UPnP Devices
189.libupnp17Portable SDK for UPnP Devices (shared library)
190.libusageenvironment3multimedia RTSP streaming library (UsageEnvironment classes)
191.libvlc-bintools for VLC's base library
192.libvlc-devdevelopment files for libvlc
193.libvlc5multimedia player and streamer library
194.libvlccore-devdevelopment files for libvlccore
195.libvlccore9base library for VLC and its modules
196.libvmaf-devPerceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion.
197.libvmaf1Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion.
198.libwayland-client++0wayland compositor infrastructure - client library C++ bindings
199.libwayland-client-extra++0wayland compositor infrastructure - client library extra C++ bindings
200.libwayland-cursor++0wayland compositor infrastructure - cursor library C++ bindings
201.libwayland-egl++0wayland compositor infrastructure - EGL library C++ bindings
202.libx264-164x264 video coding library
203.libx264-devDevelopment files for libx264
204.libx265-209x265 video coding library
205.libx265-devdevelopment files for libx265
206.libx265-docH.265/HEVC video stream encoder (documentation)
207.livemedia-utilsmultimedia RTSP streaming tools
208.meltCommand line media player and video editor
209.mesonhigh-productivity build system
210.minidlnaMedia server
211.minisatipSAT>IP server using local DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T or ATSC cards
212.mjpegtoolsMJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
213.monkeys-audiomonkey's audio lossless audio codec - binary
214.mpvFree and open-source general-purpose video player
215.mustang-plugControl Fender Mustang amplifiers.
216.mytharchiveCreate and burn DVD's from MythTV - binary file
217.mytharchive-dataCreate and burn DVD's from MythTV - data files
218.mythbrowserSmall web browser module for MythTV
219.mythffmpegSpecial ffmpeg version for nuvexport
220.mythgameEmulator & PC Game frontend module for MythTV
221.mythmusicMusic add-on module for MythTV
222.mythnewsRSS feed news reader module for MythTV
223.mythpluginsWrapper package for MythTV plugins
224.mythtvPersonal video recorder application (client and server)
225.mythtv-backendPersonal video recorder application (server)
226.mythtv-commonPersonal video recorder application (common data)
227.mythtv-databasePersonal video recorder application (database)
228.mythtv-docPersonal video recorder application (documentation)
229.mythtv-frontendPersonal video recorder application (client)
230.mythtv-transcodeUtilities used for transcoding MythTV tasks
231.mythweatherWeather add-on module for MythTV
232.mythwebWeb frontend to control MythTV through a web browser
233.mythzoneminderSystem for monitoring cctv cameras
234.obs-pluginsrecorder and streamer for live video content (plugins)
235.obs-studiorecorder and streamer for live video content
236.php-mythtvPHP Bindings for MythTV
237.plugtransitional package plug
238.python3-libcecPython bindings for libCEC
239.python3-mltMultimedia framework (python bindings)
240.python3-mythtvPersonal video recorder application (common data)
241.python3-vmafVMAF models
242.synfigvector-based 2D animation renderer
243.synfig-examplessynfig animation examples
244.synfigstudiovector-based 2D animation package (graphical user interface)
245.tsmuxerUtility to create TS and M2TS files.
246.tsmuxerguiUtility to create TS and M2TS files.
247.tvheadendTV streaming server and recorder
248.tvheadend-dataTV streaming server and recorder
249.vlcmultimedia player and streamer
250.vlc-binbinaries from VLC
251.vlc-dataCommon data for VLC
252.vlc-l10nTranslations for VLC
253.vlc-plugin-access-extramultimedia player and streamer (extra access plugins)
254.vlc-plugin-basemultimedia player and streamer (base plugins)
255.vlc-plugin-fluidsynthFluidSynth plugin for VLC
256.vlc-plugin-jackJack audio plugins for VLC
257.vlc-plugin-notifyLibNotify plugin for VLC
258.vlc-plugin-qtmultimedia player and streamer (Qt plugin)
259.vlc-plugin-sambaSamba plugin for VLC
260.vlc-plugin-skins2multimedia player and streamer (Skins2 plugin)
261.vlc-plugin-svgSVG plugin for VLC
262.vlc-plugin-video-outputmultimedia player and streamer (video output plugins)
263.vlc-plugin-video-splittermultimedia player and streamer (video splitter plugins)
264.vlc-plugin-visualizationmultimedia player and streamer (visualization plugins)
265.vmafVMAF models
266.wayland-protocolswayland compositor protocols
267.wayland-scanner++wayland compositor infrastructure - C++ protocol code generator
268.waylandpp-devwayland compositor infrastructure - C++ development files
269.x264Video encoder for the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard
270.x265video encoder for the H.265/HEV standard
271.zoneminderLinux video camera security and surveillance solution
272.zoneminder-docZoneMinder documentation