.org repository

i386 - Stable-backports/bookworm-backports

1.aom-toolsAV1 Video Codec Library -- Tools
2.audacityfast, cross-platform audio editor
3.audacity-datafast, cross-platform audio editor (data)
4.avisynth+powerful tool for video post-production
5.avisynth+-devpowerful tool for video post-production
6.avisynth+-ffms2Vapoursynth plugin
7.cython-docC-Extensions for Python 3 (Documentation)
8.cython3C-Extensions for Python 3
9.dav1dfast and small AV1 video stream decoder
10.ffmpegaudio/video encoder, streaming server & audio/video file converter
11.ffmpeg-docDocumentation of the FFmpeg API
12.ffmsindexCommand line tool to create ffms2 index files
13.gerberaUPnP MediaServer
14.gerbera-docUPnP MediaServer - documentation
15.handbrakeVersatile DVD ripper and video transcoder
16.handbrake-cliVersatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (command line)
17.handbrake-gtkVersatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (GTK GUI)
18.harunaVideo player built with Qt/QML on top of libmpv
19.icecast2Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming media server
20.kodiOpen Source Home Theatre (executable binaries)
21.kodi-addons-devOpen Source Home Theatre (Addons Dev package)
22.kodi-addons-dev-commonOpen Source Home Theatre (architecture-independent addon development package)
23.kodi-audiodecoder-modplugModplug audio decoder for Kodi.
24.kodi-audiodecoder-openmptOpenMPT audio decoder for Kodi
25.kodi-audiodecoder-sidplaySidPlay audio decoder for Kodi.
26.kodi-audioencoder-flacFLAC audio encoder add-on for Kodi
27.kodi-audioencoder-lameLAME (mp3) audio encoder add-on for Kodi
28.kodi-audioencoder-vorbisVorbis audio encoder add-on for Kodi
29.kodi-audioencoder-wavWAV audio encoder add-on for Kodi
30.kodi-dataOpen Source Home Theatre (arch-independent data package)
31.kodi-eventclients-commonOpen Source Home Theatre (Event Client Common package)
32.kodi-eventclients-ps3Open Source Home Theatre (Event Client PS3 package)
33.kodi-eventclients-wiiremoteOpen Source Home Theatre (Event Client WII Remote support package)
34.kodi-inputstream-adaptiveadaptive inputstream addon for Kodi.
35.kodi-inputstream-ffmpegdirectFFmpegDirect inputstream addon for Kodi
36.kodi-inputstream-rtmpKodi input stream addon for RTMP.
37.kodi-peripheral-joystickKodi Joystick Library
38.kodi-pvr-argustvARGUS TV PVR addon for Kodi
39.kodi-pvr-dvblinkKodi DVBLink PVR Client
40.kodi-pvr-dvbviewerDVBViewer Kodi PVR Addon
41.kodi-pvr-filmonFilmon PVR client addon for Kodi
42.kodi-pvr-freeboxFreebox TV PVR addon for Kodi
43.kodi-pvr-hdhomerunHDHomeRun PVR Addon for Kodi
44.kodi-pvr-htsKodi PVR Addon TvHeadend Hts
45.kodi-pvr-iptvsimpleIPTV Simple Client Kodi PVR Addon
46.kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserverMediaPortal's TV-Server PVR addon for Kodi
47.kodi-pvr-mythtvMythTV PVR Addon for Kodi
48.kodi-pvr-mythtv-cmythTransitional package to install kodi-pvr-mythtv
49.kodi-pvr-nextpvrNextPVR PVR addon for Kodi
50.kodi-pvr-njoyNJOY PVR Addon for Kodi
51.kodi-pvr-pctvPCTV PVR client addon for Kodi PVR client for Kodi.
53.kodi-pvr-stalkerStalker Middleware PVR client addon for Kodi
54.kodi-pvr-vboxVBox Home TV Gateway addon for Kodi
55.kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsiVDR PVR client addon for Kodi
56.kodi-pvr-vuplusEnigma2 PVR client addon for Kodi
57.kodi-pvr-wmcWMC PVR Addon for Kodi
58.kodi-pvr-zattooZattoo PVR for Kodi
59.kodi-tools-texturepackerOpen Source Home Theatre (TexturePacker skin development tool)
60.kodi-vfs-libarchiveLibarchive VFS add-on for Kodi
61.kodi-vfs-rarRAR VFS for Kodi.
62.kodi-vfs-sftpSSH File Transfer Protocol for Kodi
63.kodi-visualization-fishbmcFishbmc audio visualization addon for Kodi
64.kodi-visualization-goomGOOM audio visualization for Kodi
65.kodi-visualization-pictureitvisualizer addons for Kodi
66.kodi-visualization-projectmProjectM audio visualization addon for Kodi
67.kodi-visualization-projectm-dataProjectM audio visualization addon for Kodi - data files
68.kodi-visualization-shadertoyShadertoy audio visualization for Kodi.
69.kodi-visualization-shadertoy-dataShadertoy audio visualization for Kodi.
70.kodi-visualization-spectrumSpectrum audio visualization addon for Kodi
71.kodi-visualization-waveformWaveform audio visualization addon for Kodi
72.kodi-visualization.goomGOOM audio visualization for Kodi (dummy transitional package)
73.libaom-devAV1 Video Codec Library -- Development Files
74.libaom-docAV1 Video Codec Library -- Documentation
75.libaom3AV1 Video Codec Library
76.libavcodec-devLibrary to encode decode multimedia streams - devel files
77.libavcodec60Library to encode decode multimedia streams - runtime files
78.libavdevice-devFFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - development files
79.libavdevice60FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - runtime files
80.libavfilter-devDevelopment files for libavfilter
81.libavfilter9FFmpeg filter library
82.libavformat-devDevelopment files for libavformat
83.libavformat60FFmpeg file format library
84.libavutil-devFFmpeg avutil devel files - devel files
85.libavutil58FFmpeg avutil library - runtime files
86.libbasicusageenvironment2multimedia RTSP streaming library (BasicUsageEnvironment class)
87.libdav1d-devfast and small AV1 video stream decoder (development files)
88.libdav1d7fast and small AV1 video stream decoder (shared library)
89.libdisplay-info-binEDID and DisplayID library (utils)
90.libdisplay-info-devEDID and DisplayID library (development files)
91.libdisplay-info1EDID and DisplayID library (shared library)
92.libffms2-5Cross platform ffmpeg wrapper library
93.libffms2-devDevelopment files for libffms2
94.libgroupsock30multimedia RTSP streaming library (network interfaces and sockets)
95.liblivemedia-devmultimedia RTSP streaming library
96.liblivemedia112multimedia RTSP streaming library
97.libmac-devmonkey's audio lossless audio codec - devel
98.libmac10monkey's audio lossless audio codec - library
99.libmyth-34Common library code for MythTV and add-on modules (runtime)
100.libmyth-devCommon library code for MythTV and add-on modules (development)
101.libmythavcodec59libavcodec package for MythTV
102.libmythavdevice59libavdevice package for MythTV
103.libmythavfilter8libavfilter package for MythTV
104.libmythavformat59libavformat package for MythTV
105.libmythavutil57libavutil package for MythTV
106.libmythexiv2-0.28-34exiv2 package for MythTV
107.libmythpostproc56libpostproc package for MythTV
108.libmythswresample4swresample package for MythTV
109.libmythswscale6libswscale package for MythTV
110.libmythtv-perlPersonal video recorder application (common data)
111.libnpupnp-devDevelopment package for the npupnp UPnP library,
112.libnpupnp13UPnP library, based on Pupnp code, but extensively
113.libpostproc-devpostproc devel files
114.libpostproc57postproc shared libraries
115.librubberband-devaudio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library (development files)
116.librubberband2audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library
117.libswresample-devFFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files
118.libswresample4FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files
119.libswscale-devFFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - development files
120.libswscale7FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - runtime files
121.libusageenvironment3multimedia RTSP streaming library (UsageEnvironment classes)
122.libx264-164x264 video coding library
123.libx264-devDevelopment files for libx264
124.libx265-209x265 video coding library
125.libx265-devdevelopment files for libx265
126.libx265-docH.265/HEVC video stream encoder (documentation)
127.libzimg-devdevelopment files for the zimg library
128.libzimg2scaling, colorspace conversion and dithering library
129.livemedia-utilsmultimedia RTSP streaming tools
130.mencoderMPlayer's Movie Encoder
131.monkeys-audiomonkey's audio lossless audio codec - binary
132.mpdMusic Player Daemon
133.mplayerUltimate Movie Player For Linux
134.mplayer-docDocumentation for mplayer
135.mytharchiveCreate and burn DVD's from MythTV - binary file
136.mytharchive-dataCreate and burn DVD's from MythTV - data files
137.mythbrowserSmall web browser module for MythTV
138.mythffmpegSpecial ffmpeg version for nuvexport
139.mythgameEmulator & PC Game frontend module for MythTV
140.mythmusicMusic add-on module for MythTV
141.mythnewsRSS feed news reader module for MythTV
142.mythpluginsWrapper package for MythTV plugins
143.mythtvPersonal video recorder application (client and server)
144.mythtv-backendPersonal video recorder application (server)
145.mythtv-commonPersonal video recorder application (common data)
146.mythtv-databasePersonal video recorder application (database)
147.mythtv-docPersonal video recorder application (documentation)
148.mythtv-frontendPersonal video recorder application (client)
149.mythtv-transcodeUtilities used for transcoding MythTV tasks
150.mythweatherWeather add-on module for MythTV
151.mythwebWeb frontend to control MythTV through a web browser
152.mythzoneminderSystem for monitoring cctv cameras
153.php-mythtvPHP Bindings for MythTV
154.python3-mythtvPersonal video recorder application (common data)
155.python3-stgpytoolsCollection of stuff that's useful in general python programming.
156.python3-vapoursynth-aaVapourSynth anti aliasing and scaling functions.
157.python3-vapoursynth-adjustAdjust vapursynth script.
158.python3-vapoursynth-dehaloCollection of dehaloing VapourSynth functions.
159.python3-vapoursynth-deinterlaceVapourSynth deinterlacing and interlaced/telecined content helper functions.
160.python3-vapoursynth-denoiseVapourSynth denoising, regression, and motion-compensation functions.
161.python3-vapoursynth-exprtoolsVapourSynth functions and helpers for writing RPN expressions.
162.python3-vapoursynth-havsfuncHoly's ported AviSynth functions for VapourSynth.
163.python3-vapoursynth-kernelsKernel objects for scaling and format conversion within VapourSynth
164.python3-vapoursynth-masktoolstools and functions to manage, create, and manipulate masks in VapourSynth
165.python3-vapoursynth-mvsfuncmawen1250's VapourSynth functions
166.python3-vapoursynth-nnedi3-resampleVapourSynth script for easy resizing
167.python3-vapoursynth-pypluginTool for simplifying writing VapourSynth "plugins" in python.
168.python3-vapoursynth-rgtoolsWrapper for RGVS, RGSF, and various other functions.
169.python3-vapoursynth-scaleVapourSynth (de)scale functions.
170.python3-vapoursynth-toolsFunctions and utils related to VapourSynth
171.python3-vs-debandcollection of wrappers and functions for debanding.
172.qmplay2Qt Media Player 2
173.rsgainReplayGain 2.0 command line utility
174.rubberband-cliaudio time-stretching and pitch-shifting utility
175.rubberband-ladspaLADSPA plugin for audio pitch-shifting
176.rubberband-lv2LV2 plugin using Rubber Band.
177.rubberband-vampVamp plugins using Rubber Band.
178.tsmuxerUtility to create TS and M2TS files.
179.tsmuxerguiUtility to create TS and M2TS files.
180.vapoursynthframeserver for the 21st century
181.vapoursynth-devframeserver for the 21st century - development files
182.vapoursynth-docframeserver for the 21st century - documentation
183.vapoursynth-ffms2Vapoursynth plugin
184.wobblyIVTC assistant for VapourSynth
185.x264Video encoder for the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard
186.x265video encoder for the H.265/HEV standard