Re: Suggestion: add -dmo suffix to package names

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Author: Dominique Dumont
To: dmo-discussion
Subject: Re: Suggestion: add -dmo suffix to package names
Le Sunday 22 April 2012 08:02:42, Christian Marillat a écrit :
> Normaly I tested all package who depends on libxine2 but I missed
> libxine2-xvdr because the package name start with libxine2.


> It is easy to see which packages come from my repository. Packages with
> -0.3 and -0.4

I was not aware of this convention. In fact, I've never noticed the subtle
difference in the debian_revision number. :-/

May be this would be the right place to clearly indicate the dmo origin with a
debian_revision like -0.3.dmo or -0.4.dmo ?

As a matter of fact, a similar scheme is used by [1]. All their
package release version (the redhat equivalent of debian_revision) ends with
.jpp5 (5 is for Rhel5). E.g. -2.jpp5

> Otherwise I've a big doubt if users read all the dependencies when there
> are doing a bug report.
> > So here's the suggestion: all packages from debian-multimedia should have
> > a '-dmo' suffix (with proper conflict and provides statement).
> This doesn't work at all and probably break an installation.
> A provides field should provides a virtual package name and not an
> existing package name. See debian policy paragraph 7.5

You're right, this package name suffix cannot be applied to librairies:
library dependencies with version break because "if a version number is
specified [ in a dependency ], this is a request to ignore all Provides for
that package name and consider only real packages."

All the best

