in-line :-
On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Christian Marillat <marillat@???> wrote:
> shirish शिरीष <shirishag75@???> writes:
>> Hi all,
> Hi,
>> I dunno what went wrong. I was watching a movie and had put it to
>> pause and later I was not able to view it. I got errors such as these
>> :-
>> [mpeg4 @ 0x343afe0] header damaged
> Could you please use pastebin (or another service) for log file instead of this big post ?
Sure. Ok, now this is what I did. I rebooted the system in hopes that
I will not get the issue but it's still there. The errors I got were
different this time.
Please see for the list of errors.
> [...]
>> Looking forward to some idea as to what might have caused it ?
>> The error seems to have done other videos and video players as well.
>> The header damaged gives lot of lines with different values for header
>> damaged.
> You are trying to watch what ?
A movie. I have also attached a screenshot (blurred the movie name)
but this is happening with all the videos I have in the system. On
MS-Windows all those movies are looking alright.
Look forward to know what the issue might be.
Btw did you change the mailing list address/domain today or when (from
dmo-discussion@??? to
dmo-discussion@???? )
> Christian
Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल
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