Re: new aacskeys version

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Author: Christian Marillat
To: dmo-discussion
Subject: Re: new aacskeys version
Eric Fernandez <zeb@???> writes:

> Hi,


> There seems to be a problem with the aacskeys-0.4.0e archive: the file
> aacskeys_0.4.0e.orig.tar.gz<>actually
> contains 0.4.0c. Furthermore, the patches that were in the *dmo1*
> files have disappeared from the server. Could you please check again?

I don't see what is wrong. Tarballs are definitely not the same :

| $ md5sum aacskeys_0.4.0c.orig.tar.gz aacskeys_0.4.0e.orig.tar.gz
| be52824ffdb6f4f2366dec9429a1b44c aacskeys_0.4.0c.orig.tar.gz
| 5d2d0b0463978a284c4e18b7849816d9 aacskeys_0.4.0e.orig.tar.gz


| $ diff -ur aacskeys-0.4.0c aacskeys-0.4.0e  | diffstat          
|  debian/changelog                        |   24 
|  debian/compat                           |    2 
|  debian/control                          |   10 
|  debian/copyright                        |    6 
|  debian/install                          |    4 
|  debian/patches/01_jdk-include-path.diff |   19 
|  debian/rules                            |   55 --
|  src/aacs_ecdsa.cpp                      |   14 
|  src/aacskeys.cpp                        |  784 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------
|  9 files changed, 621 insertions(+), 297 deletions(-)

