Re: No EPG data for ProSieben since last Mythtv update

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Author: Stephan Seitz
To: dmo-discussion
Subject: Re: No EPG data for ProSieben since last Mythtv update
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 08:10:35PM +0200, Frank Hartmann wrote:
>I am using since a few days mythtv-backend 0.26.0+fixes20130330-dmo1 and
>have received EPG updates for ProSieben. I am using DVB-S2 too.

This is great for you. ;-) But if you’re only running for a few days,
please tell us if the EPG updates continue, because for me sometimes it
works, sometimes not.

I didn’t get a solution from the mythtv-user mailing list. I have
verified that my configured video source has EIT activated and both
tuners are linked to this source. The configuration of this channel says
that EPG updates are activated (useonairguide is set to 1 in the

I should try to run the backend with „-v eit”, which I’m doing now. I see
EIT updates for a lot of other channels but not ProSieben. Maybe you can
try it as well and look in the logs if you find your ProSieben channel

For now I have no further responses from the other mailing list. If Frank
tells us that he gets further EPG updates for ProSieben (IIRC they are
only 2 or 3 days ahead), then I will blame my system for some strange

>Isn't there a correlation between the channels you record and the
>channels for which EPG is captured? If you never record from the group
>of channels where ProSieben is in, you will not have any EPG for
>ProSieben either?

Well, I have a daily recording rule for ProSieben, and it used to work.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz          E-Mail: stse@??? |
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