Re: mythnetvision backend dependecies

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Author: Christian Marillat
To: dmo-discussion
Subject: Re: mythnetvision backend dependecies
Josu Lazkano <josu.lazkano@???> writes:

> The problem is that if you have separated frontend and backend, you
> need to install mythnetvision in the frontend. But the python scripts
> resides in the backend.

Python scripts are in the mythtv-common package and this package is a
dependency for the frontend package.

> I had problems to execute this (in the backend):
> # /usr/share/mythtv/internetcontent/ -v
> The subdirectory "nv_python_libs/youtube" containing the modules
> (v0.2.0 or greater),
> They should have been included with the distribution of
> Error(No module named MythTV)
> After installing python-mythtv and python-lxml I can select the
> desired grabbers in the frontend. This the output in the backend:

Would be nice to know how you can install the frontend package without
python dependencies. Here is the output of an apt-get install
mythtv-frontend under stable. As you can see python-mythtv and
python-lxml are installed.

| The following NEW packages will be installed:
| fonts-droid fonts-freefont-ttf fonts-liberation gawk imagemagick-common liba52-0.7.4 libaudio2 libavahi-compat-libdnssd1 libavc1394-0 libavcodec53 libcurl3-gnutls
| libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libdirac-encoder0 libdv4 libdvdread4 libfaad2 libfftw3-3 libiec61883-0 liblcms1 liblqr-1-0 liblzo2-2 libmagickcore5 libmagickwand5
| libmjpegutils-2.0-0 libmng1 libmpeg2-4 libmysqlclient18 libmyth-0.26-0 libmythavcodec54 libmythavformat54 libmythavutil51 libmythpostproc52 libmythqjson0
| libmythswscale2 libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl libqt4-dbus libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqt4-script libqt4-sql libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-xml libqtcore4 libqtdbus4
| libqtgui4 libqtwebkit4 libquicktime2 libsigsegv2 libssh2-1 libv4l-0 libv4lconvert0 libva-glx1 libva-x11-1 libvdpau1 libx264-123 libx264-124 libxml-xpath-perl
| mysql-client mysql-client-5.5 mysql-common mythlogserver mythtv-common mythtv-frontend python-lxml python-mysqldb python-mythtv python-pycurl qdbus transcode
| ttf-freefont ttf-tiresias

