On Thu, 6 Feb 2014, Jon N wrote:
> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using
> password: YES)
Well, there you go. You need that to work. If it doesn't work there, it
certainly won't work via mythtv-setup (or frontend).
> I notice it says '...@'localhost' when my hostname is 'Bedlum', is that
> significant?
It might be. It's possible MySQL is configured to refuse remote
connections for the mythtv user.
In MySQL users are not usernames, they are username@hostname combos. (If
needed you can do username@% meaning all hostnames.)
Probably you only have a mythtv@localhost username, and not one at
mythtv@remote_hostname (i.e. not Bedlum, the server, but rather the name
of the client machine).
Try: select * from mysql.user where user like 'mythtv%'
Then you can see if you have a remote mythtv user. (You'll probably need
to be the MySQL root user.)