Re: Marillat ID's

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Author: Christian Marillat
Date: 2015-11-21 00:00 -000
To: dmo-discussion
Subject: Re: Marillat ID's
On 20 nov. 2015 21:58, Ross Boylan <rossboylan@???> wrote:

> I'd like to express my sympathy and support after the recent attacks in France.


> says that the Marillat public key is
> 4096R/5C808C2B65558117. It then has this link
>, but that
> show an ID of 4096R/65558117.
> I suspect the former is just out of date, but thought I'd check what's going on.

Both are OK. The first key is displayed in long format when the second is
displayed in short format (the default in gpg).

If you click on my e-mail address on the page above the key is displayed
in the long format.

To display my key in long format :

gpg --list-keys --keyid-format long 1F41B907
