This may be just a coincidence, but I restarted icweasel after the
latest flash update for wheezy and it opened all the windows, used all
the CPU, and gradually consumed all available memory while being
unresponsive (actually, the entire system became unresponsive).
I have a lot of windows and tabs, and have set the option to restore
previous session on startup.
Starting in --safe-mode resulted in exactly the same behavior, which
points against flash being the problem.
I was finally able to get control by starting in safe mode and not
restoring any of the windows.
root@tempserver:~# apt-show-versions -a flashplayer-mozilla
flashplayer-mozilla 3: install ok installed
flashplayer-mozilla 3: wheezy
No unstable version
No experimental version
flashplayer-mozilla/wheezy uptodate 3:
root@tempserver:~# apt-show-versions -a iceweasel
iceweasel 38.6.0esr-1~deb7u1 install ok installed
iceweasel 38.2.1esr-1~deb7u1 wheezy
iceweasel 38.6.0esr-1~deb7u1 wheezy
No unstable version
No experimental version
iceweasel/wheezy uptodate 38.6.0esr-1~deb7u1
Ross Boylan