Author: Nick Morrott Date: 2016-09-05 14:32 -000 To: dmo-discussion Subject: Re: MythTV 0.27.6 for jessie/stable
On 3 September 2016 at 10:05, Christian Marillat <marillat@???> wrote: > On 03 sept. 2016 10:51, Nick Morrott <knowledgejunkie@???> wrote:
>> For Debian users running jessie/stable, I was wondering if you have
>> any plans to build MythTV 0.27.6 packages for stable?
> As I was saying before I follow the same policy than Debian about
> release, stable should not be updated with never version.
> The main reason is that some users don't want to new version in stable.
I was really wondering if you were going to build 0.27.6 (or at least
backport the bug fixes) for stable?
I note from the dmo changelog that 0.27.5 had a backported bugfix
applied. As 0.27.6 is the last 0.27 point release, with several more
bugfixes applied, I figured it might be beneficial to have it built
for existing stable/0.27 users.