著者: Maik Zumstrull 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: Re: xvba-video not working with Debian's libva1
Christian Marillat wrote:
> Maik Zumstrull <maik@???> writes: > > Could I get fresh xvba-video packages, please?
> 0.6.11 is the latest version. Do you have a better source than me?
No. As I said, I'm aware that Gwenolé will have to offer fresh binaries
first. I only approached DMO at the same time as him because I thought
you might need to coordinate something. If not, consider this none of
your concern until a new build is available.
> > On the other end of the stack, getting VA-API capabilities into
> > mplayer would still be nice, not sure how much progress has been
> > made with mplayer upstream on that. > As patches are big I think nothing has been done in mplayer.
If I understand the situation correctly, the "big patch" approach has
been abandoned as there's little chance upstream will accept those, and
they're not helpful in finding a different solution.
Hopefully, the VLC support works and will be enabled quickly, and I
won't have to care about mplayer dev being sluggish anymore. :-) I
think VLCs DVB support is better than mplayer's, anyway. (I need HW
accel mainly for HDTV at high framerates. The CPU in the machine in
question can handle 1080@24p, but not 1080@50i or 720@50p.)