著者: Christian Marillat 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: Re: GStreamer (Totem) and libavcodec52
James Andrewartha <trs80@???> writes:
> Hello again,
> testing/i386. One confounding factor is that my version of
> gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad isn't up to date in testing, and I can't remove
> or upgrade it at the moment without a fair amount of effort because of an
> obsolete package I use. So if it works in unstable, don't worry too much.
> Also, the only reason I was trying totem is mplayer was using esd for some
> reason, which put the audio out of sync, but now I'm forcing it to use
> pulseaudio.
> I still can't subscribe to the mailing list, I've tried three times now.