Re: apt pinning debian multimedia

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著者: Christian Marillat
To: dmo-discussion
題目: Re: apt pinning debian multimedia
Andres Cimmarusti <acimmarusti@???> writes:

>> Experimental is configured with "NotAutomatic: yes" in Release file and
>> thus experimental package aren't upgraded automatically. So, this
>> configuration isn't possible for official packages :)
> I apologize because I did a terrible job at explaining myself. I
> wanted debian multimedia to behave like experimental (so debian
> multimedia packages don't automatically replace the ones from Debian
> main).

If you don't want to use my packages then remove the dmo lines in your


> I have a somewhat unrelated question. The reason for using apt pinning
> was to prevent ffmpeg and dependencies in DM from replacing the
> official debian packages. Apart from the difference in versions (not
> an issue if the comparison is established with the package in
> experimental), what does ffmpeg from DM provide that the official
> version does not?

A lot as Debian still package 0.5 and me 0.6 and some codecs are enabled
here when disabled by debian.

Here is a diff agaisnt (ffmpeg -formats for 0.5) and (ffmpeg -formats
+ ffmpeg -codecs for 0.6).


--- formats-debian.txt    2010-08-11 09:31:59.259080408 +0200
+++ formats-dmo.txt    2010-08-11 09:31:58.831065736 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 File formats:
+ D. = Demuxing supported
+ .E = Muxing supported
+ --
   E 3g2             3GP2 format
   E 3gp             3GP format
  D  4xm             4X Technologies format
@@ -9,10 +12,12 @@
  D  aac             raw ADTS AAC
  DE ac3             raw AC-3
   E adts            ADTS AAC
+ D  aea             MD STUDIO audio
  DE aiff            Audio IFF
  DE alaw            PCM A-law format
  DE alsa            ALSA audio output
  DE amr             3GPP AMR file format
+ D  anm             Deluxe Paint Animation
  D  apc             CRYO APC format
  D  ape             Monkey's Audio
  DE asf             ASF format
@@ -23,8 +28,11 @@
  D  avs             AVS format
  D  bethsoftvid     Bethesda Softworks VID format
  D  bfi             Brute Force & Ignorance
+ D  bink            Bink
  D  c93             Interplay C93
+ D  caf             Apple Core Audio Format
  D  cavsvideo       raw Chinese AVS video
+ D  cdg             CD Graphics Format
   E crc             CRC testing format
  DE daud            D-Cinema audio format
  DE dirac           raw Dirac
@@ -44,10 +52,12 @@
  DE f64le           PCM 64 bit floating-point little-endian format
  DE ffm             FFM (FFserver live feed) format
  D  film_cpk        Sega FILM/CPK format
+ DE filmstrip       Adobe Filmstrip
  DE flac            raw FLAC
  D  flic            FLI/FLC/FLX animation format
  DE flv             FLV format
   E framecrc        framecrc testing format
+  E framemd5        Per-frame MD5 testing format
   E gif             GIF Animation
  D  gsm             raw GSM
  DE gxf             GXF format
@@ -60,12 +70,16 @@
  D  ingenient       raw Ingenient MJPEG
  D  ipmovie         Interplay MVE format
   E ipod            iPod H.264 MP4 format
+ D  iv8             A format generated by IndigoVision 8000 video server
+ D  ivf             On2 IVF
+ D  jack            JACK Audio Connection Kit
  D  libdc1394       dc1394 v.2 A/V grab
  D  lmlm4           lmlm4 raw format
  DE m4v             raw MPEG-4 video format
  DE matroska        Matroska file format
+  E md5             MD5 testing format
  DE mjpeg           raw MJPEG video
- D  mlp             raw MLP
+ DE mlp             raw MLP
  D  mm              American Laser Games MM format
  DE mmf             Yamaha SMAF
   E mov             MOV format
@@ -98,15 +112,16 @@
   E psp             PSP MP4 format
  D  psxstr          Sony Playstation STR format
  D  pva             TechnoTrend PVA file and stream format
+ D  qcp             QCP format
  D  r3d             REDCODE R3D format
  DE rawvideo        raw video format
   E rcv             VC-1 test bitstream
- D  redir           Redirector format
  D  rl2             RL2 format
  DE rm              RealMedia format
  D  rpl             RPL/ARMovie format
+ DE rso             Lego Mindstorms RSO format
   E rtp             RTP output format
- D  rtsp            RTSP input format
+ DE rtsp            RTSP output format
  DE s16be           PCM signed 16 bit big-endian format
  DE s16le           PCM signed 16 bit little-endian format
  DE s24be           PCM signed 24 bit big-endian format
@@ -119,11 +134,17 @@
  D  siff            Beam Software SIFF
  D  smk             Smacker video
  D  sol             Sierra SOL format
+ DE sox             SoX native format
+  E spdif           IEC958 - S/PDIF (IEC-61937)
+ DE srt             SubRip subtitle format
   E svcd            MPEG-2 PS format (VOB)
  DE swf             Flash format
  D  thp             THP
  D  tiertexseq      Tiertex Limited SEQ format
+ D  tmv             8088flex TMV
+ DE truehd          raw TrueHD
  D  tta             True Audio
+ D  tty             Tele-typewriter
  D  txd             Renderware TeXture Dictionary
  DE u16be           PCM unsigned 16 bit big-endian format
  DE u16le           PCM unsigned 16 bit little-endian format
@@ -140,21 +161,34 @@
  D  vmd             Sierra VMD format
   E vob             MPEG-2 PS format (VOB)
  DE voc             Creative Voice file format
+ D  vqf             Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) TwinVQ
+ D  w64             Sony Wave64 format
  DE wav             WAV format
  D  wc3movie        Wing Commander III movie format
+  E webm            WebM file format
  D  wsaud           Westwood Studios audio format
  D  wsvqa           Westwood Studios VQA format
  D  wv              WavPack
  D  x11grab         X11grab
  D  xa              Maxis XA File Format
+ D  yop             Psygnosis YOP Format
  DE yuv4mpegpipe    YUV4MPEG pipe format
- D V    4xm             4X Movie
+ D..... = Decoding supported
+ .E.... = Encoding supported
+ ..V... = Video codec
+ ..A... = Audio codec
+ ..S... = Subtitle codec
+ ...S.. = Supports draw_horiz_band
+ ....D. = Supports direct rendering method 1
+ .....T = Supports weird frame truncation
+ ------
+ D V D  4xm             4X Movie
  D V D  8bps            QuickTime 8BPS video
  D A    8svx_exp        8SVX exponential
  D A    8svx_fib        8SVX fibonacci
- D A    aac             Advanced Audio Coding
+ D V D  FRWU            Forward Uncompressed
+ DEA    aac             Advanced Audio Coding
  D V D  aasc            Autodesk RLE
  DEA    ac3             ATSC A/52A (AC-3)
  D A    adpcm_4xm       ADPCM 4X Movie
@@ -185,69 +219,95 @@
  D A    adpcm_xa        ADPCM CDROM XA
  DEA    adpcm_yamaha    ADPCM Yamaha
  DEA    alac            ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
- D V    amv             AMV Video
+ D A    als             MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding (ALS)
+ D A    amrnb           Adaptive Multi-Rate NarrowBand
+ D V D  amv             AMV Video
+ D V D  anm             Deluxe Paint Animation
+ D V D  ansi            ASCII/ANSI art
  D A    ape             Monkey's Audio
  DEV D  asv1            ASUS V1
  DEV D  asv2            ASUS V2
+ D A    atrac1          Atrac 1 (Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding)
  D A    atrac3          Atrac 3 (Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding 3)
+ D V D  aura            Auravision AURA
+ D V D  aura2           Auravision Aura 2
  D V D  avs             AVS (Audio Video Standard) video
- D V    bethsoftvid     Bethesda VID video
- D V    bfi             Brute Force & Ignorance
- DEV    bmp             BMP image
+ D V D  bethsoftvid     Bethesda VID video
+ D V D  bfi             Brute Force & Ignorance
+ D A    binkaudio_dct   Bink Audio (DCT)
+ D A    binkaudio_rdft  Bink Audio (RDFT)
+ D V    binkvideo       Bink video
+ DEV D  bmp             BMP image
  D V D  c93             Interplay C93
  D V D  camstudio       CamStudio
  D V D  camtasia        TechSmith Screen Capture Codec
  D V D  cavs            Chinese AVS video (AVS1-P2, JiZhun profile)
+ D V D  cdgraphics      CD Graphics video
  D V D  cinepak         Cinepak
  D V D  cljr            Cirrus Logic AccuPak
  D A    cook            COOK
  D V D  cyuv            Creative YUV (CYUV)
  D A    dca             DCA (DTS Coherent Acoustics)
  DEV D  dnxhd           VC3/DNxHD
+ D V    dpx             DPX image
  D A    dsicinaudio     Delphine Software International CIN audio
  D V D  dsicinvideo     Delphine Software International CIN video
  DES    dvbsub          DVB subtitles
  DES    dvdsub          DVD subtitles
  DEV D  dvvideo         DV (Digital Video)
- D V    dxa             Feeble Files/ScummVM DXA
+ D V D  dxa             Feeble Files/ScummVM DXA
  D A    eac3            ATSC A/52B (AC-3, E-AC-3)
  D V D  eacmv           Electronic Arts CMV video
+ D V D  eamad           Electronic Arts Madcow Video
  D V D  eatgq           Electronic Arts TGQ video
  D V    eatgv           Electronic Arts TGV video
  D V D  eatqi           Electronic Arts TQI Video
  D V D  escape124       Escape 124
- DEV D  ffv1            FFmpeg codec #1
+ DEV D  ffv1            FFmpeg video codec #1
  DEVSD  ffvhuff         Huffyuv FFmpeg variant
  DEA    flac            FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
  DEV D  flashsv         Flash Screen Video
  D V D  flic            Autodesk Animator Flic video
- DEVSD  flv             Flash Video (FLV)
+ DEVSD  flv             Flash Video (FLV) / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263
  D V D  fraps           Fraps
  DEA    g726            G.726 ADPCM
- DEV    gif             GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
+ DEV D  gif             GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
+ D A    gsm             GSM
+ D A    gsm_ms          GSM Microsoft variant
  DEV D  h261            H.261
- D VSDT h263            H.263 / H.263-1996, H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2
+ DEVSDT h263            H.263 / H.263-1996
  D VSD  h263i           Intel H.263
+  EV    h263p           H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2
  D V D  h264            H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
  D V D  h264_vdpau      H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 (VDPAU acceleration)
  DEVSD  huffyuv         Huffyuv / HuffYUV
  D V D  idcinvideo      id Quake II CIN video
+ D V D  iff_byterun1    IFF ByteRun1
+ D V D  iff_ilbm        IFF ILBM
  D A    imc             IMC (Intel Music Coder)
  D V D  indeo2          Intel Indeo 2
- D V    indeo3          Intel Indeo 3
+ D V D  indeo3          Intel Indeo 3
+ D V    indeo5          Intel Indeo Video Interactive 5
  D A    interplay_dpcm  DPCM Interplay
  D V D  interplayvideo  Interplay MVE video
  DEV D  jpegls          JPEG-LS
- D V    kmvc            Karl Morton's video codec
+ D V    kgv1            Kega Game Video
+ D V D  kmvc            Karl Morton's video codec
   EV    libdirac        libdirac Dirac 2.2
- D A    libfaad         libfaad AAC (Advanced Audio Codec)
+  EA    libfaac         libfaac AAC (Advanced Audio Codec)
  DEA    libgsm          libgsm GSM
  DEA    libgsm_ms       libgsm GSM Microsoft variant
- D V    libopenjpeg     OpenJPEG based JPEG 2000 decoder
- DEV    libschroedinger libschroedinger Dirac 2.2
+  EA    libmp3lame      libmp3lame MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)
+ DEA    libopencore_amrnb OpenCORE Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Narrow-Band
+ D A    libopencore_amrwb OpenCORE Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Wide-Band
+ D V D  libopenjpeg     OpenJPEG based JPEG 2000 decoder
+ D V    libschroedinger libschroedinger Dirac 2.2
  D A    libspeex        libspeex Speex
   EV    libtheora       libtheora Theora
   EA    libvorbis       libvorbis Vorbis
+ DEV    libvpx          libvpx VP8
+  EV    libx264         libx264 H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
+  EV    libxvid         libxvidcore MPEG-4 part 2
   EV    ljpeg           Lossless JPEG
  D V D  loco            LOCO
  D A    mace3           MACE (Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion) 3:1
@@ -256,34 +316,41 @@
  D V D  mimic           Mimic
  DEV D  mjpeg           MJPEG (Motion JPEG)
  D V D  mjpegb          Apple MJPEG-B
- D A    mlp             MLP (Meridian Lossless Packing)/TrueHD
+ D A    mlp             MLP (Meridian Lossless Packing)
  D V D  mmvideo         American Laser Games MM Video
  D V D  motionpixels    Motion Pixels video
  D A    mp1             MP1 (MPEG audio layer 1)
+ D A    mp1float        MP1 (MPEG audio layer 1)
  DEA    mp2             MP2 (MPEG audio layer 2)
+ D A    mp2float        MP2 (MPEG audio layer 2)
  D A    mp3             MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)
  D A    mp3adu          ADU (Application Data Unit) MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)
+ D A    mp3adufloat     ADU (Application Data Unit) MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)
+ D A    mp3float        MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)
  D A    mp3on4          MP3onMP4
+ D A    mp3on4float     MP3onMP4
  D A    mpc7            Musepack SV7
  D A    mpc8            Musepack SV8
  DEVSDT mpeg1video      MPEG-1 video
  D V DT mpeg1video_vdpau MPEG-1 video (VDPAU acceleration)
- D VSDT mpeg2video      MPEG-2 video
- D VSDT mpeg4           MPEG-4 part 2
+ DEVSDT mpeg2video      MPEG-2 video
+ DEVSDT mpeg4           MPEG-4 part 2
+ D V DT mpeg4_vdpau     MPEG-4 part 2 (VDPAU)
  D VSDT mpegvideo       MPEG-1 video
  D V DT mpegvideo_vdpau MPEG-1/2 video (VDPAU acceleration)
  D VSDT mpegvideo_xvmc  MPEG-1/2 video XvMC (X-Video Motion Compensation)
- D VSD  msmpeg4         MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 3
- D VSD  msmpeg4v1       MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 1
- D VSD  msmpeg4v2       MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 2
+ DEVSD  msmpeg4         MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 3
+ DEVSD  msmpeg4v1       MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 1
+ DEVSD  msmpeg4v2       MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 2
  D V D  msrle           Microsoft RLE
  D V D  msvideo1        Microsoft Video 1
  D V D  mszh            LCL (LossLess Codec Library) MSZH
  DEA    nellymoser      Nellymoser Asao
  D V D  nuv             NuppelVideo/RTJPEG
- DEV    pam             PAM (Portable AnyMap) image
- DEV    pbm             PBM (Portable BitMap) image
+ DEV D  pam             PAM (Portable AnyMap) image
+ DEV D  pbm             PBM (Portable BitMap) image
  DEA    pcm_alaw        PCM A-law
+ D A    pcm_bluray      PCM signed 16|20|24-bit big-endian for Blu-ray media
  D A    pcm_dvd         PCM signed 20|24-bit big-endian
  DEA    pcm_f32be       PCM 32-bit floating point big-endian
  DEA    pcm_f32le       PCM 32-bit floating point little-endian
@@ -307,19 +374,22 @@
  DEA    pcm_u32le       PCM unsigned 32-bit little-endian
  DEA    pcm_u8          PCM unsigned 8-bit
  DEA    pcm_zork        PCM Zork
- D V    pcx             PC Paintbrush PCX image
- DEV    pgm             PGM (Portable GrayMap) image
- DEV    pgmyuv          PGMYUV (Portable GrayMap YUV) image
- DEV    png             PNG image
- DEV    ppm             PPM (Portable PixelMap) image
- D V    ptx             V.Flash PTX image
+ DEV D  pcx             PC Paintbrush PCX image
+ DEV D  pgm             PGM (Portable GrayMap) image
+ DEV D  pgmyuv          PGMYUV (Portable GrayMap YUV) image
+ D S    pgssub          HDMV Presentation Graphic Stream subtitles
+ D V D  pictor          Pictor/PC Paint
+ DEV D  png             PNG image
+ DEV D  ppm             PPM (Portable PixelMap) image
+ D V D  ptx             V.Flash PTX image
  D A    qcelp           QCELP / PureVoice
  D A    qdm2            QDesign Music Codec 2
  D V D  qdraw           Apple QuickDraw
  D V D  qpeg            Q-team QPEG
  DEV D  qtrle           QuickTime Animation (RLE) video
+ D V D  r210            Uncompressed RGB 10-bit
  DEV    rawvideo        raw video
- D A    real_144        RealAudio 1.0 (14.4K)
+ DEA    real_144        RealAudio 1.0 (14.4K) encoder
  D A    real_288        RealAudio 2.0 (28.8K)
  D V D  rl2             RL2 video
  DEA    roq_dpcm        id RoQ DPCM
@@ -331,67 +401,117 @@
  D V D  rv40            RealVideo 4.0
  DEV    sgi             SGI image
  D A    shorten         Shorten
+ D A    sipr            RealAudio SIPR / ACELP.NET
  D A    smackaud        Smacker audio
- D V    smackvid        Smacker video
+ D V D  smackvid        Smacker video
  D V D  smc             QuickTime Graphics (SMC)
- DEV    snow            Snow
+ DEV D  snow            Snow
  D A    sol_dpcm        DPCM Sol
  DEA    sonic           Sonic
   EA    sonicls         Sonic lossless
  D V D  sp5x            Sunplus JPEG (SP5X)
- D V    sunrast         Sun Rasterfile image
- DEV D  svq1            Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1
- D VSD  svq3            Sorenson Vector Quantizer 3
- DEV    targa           Truevision Targa image
- D V    theora          Theora
+ D V D  sunrast         Sun Rasterfile image
+ DEV D  svq1            Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1 / Sorenson Video 1 / SVQ1
+ D VSD  svq3            Sorenson Vector Quantizer 3 / Sorenson Video 3 / SVQ3
+ DEV D  targa           Truevision Targa image
+ D VSD  theora          Theora
  D V D  thp             Nintendo Gamecube THP video
  D V D  tiertexseqvideo Tiertex Limited SEQ video
- DEV    tiff            TIFF image
+ DEV D  tiff            TIFF image
+ D V D  tmv             8088flex TMV
+ D A    truehd          TrueHD
  D V D  truemotion1     Duck TrueMotion 1.0
  D V D  truemotion2     Duck TrueMotion 2.0
  D A    truespeech      DSP Group TrueSpeech
  D A    tta             True Audio (TTA)
- D V    txd             Renderware TXD (TeXture Dictionary) image
+ D A    twinvq          VQF TwinVQ
+ D V D  txd             Renderware TXD (TeXture Dictionary) image
  D V D  ultimotion      IBM UltiMotion
+ DEV D  v210            Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit
+ D V D  v210x           Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit
  D V    vb              Beam Software VB
- D V    vc1             SMPTE VC-1
+ D V D  vc1             SMPTE VC-1
  D V D  vc1_vdpau       SMPTE VC-1 VDPAU
  D V D  vcr1            ATI VCR1
  D A    vmdaudio        Sierra VMD audio
  D V D  vmdvideo        Sierra VMD video
- D V    vmnc            VMware Screen Codec / VMware Video
+ D V D  vmnc            VMware Screen Codec / VMware Video
  DEA    vorbis          Vorbis
- D V    vp3             On2 VP3
+ D VSD  vp3             On2 VP3
  D V D  vp5             On2 VP5
  D V D  vp6             On2 VP6
  D V D  vp6a            On2 VP6 (Flash version, with alpha channel)
  D V D  vp6f            On2 VP6 (Flash version)
+ D V D  vp8             On2 VP8
  D V D  vqavideo        Westwood Studios VQA (Vector Quantized Animation) video
  D A    wavpack         WavPack
+ D A    wmapro          Windows Media Audio 9 Professional
  DEA    wmav1           Windows Media Audio 1
  DEA    wmav2           Windows Media Audio 2
+ D A    wmavoice        Windows Media Audio Voice
  DEVSD  wmv1            Windows Media Video 7
  DEVSD  wmv2            Windows Media Video 8
- D V    wmv3            Windows Media Video 9
+ D V D  wmv3            Windows Media Video 9
  D V D  wmv3_vdpau      Windows Media Video 9 VDPAU
  D V D  wnv1            Winnov WNV1
  D A    ws_snd1         Westwood Audio (SND1)
  D A    xan_dpcm        DPCM Xan
  D V D  xan_wc3         Wing Commander III / Xan
  D V D  xl              Miro VideoXL
- D S    xsub            XSUB
+ DES    xsub            DivX subtitles (XSUB)
+ D V    yop             Psygnosis YOP Video
  DEV D  zlib            LCL (LossLess Codec Library) ZLIB
- DEV    zmbv            Zip Motion Blocks Video
-Bitstream filters:
- text2movsub remove_extra noise mov2textsub mp3decomp mp3comp mjpegadump imxdump h264_mp4toannexb dump_extra
-Supported file protocols:
- file: gopher: http: pipe: rtp: tcp: udp:
-Frame size, frame rate abbreviations:
- ntsc pal qntsc qpal sntsc spal film ntsc-film sqcif qcif cif 4cif
+ DEV D  zmbv            Zip Motion Blocks Video