著者: Harreld Kuiper 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: w64codecs and mplayer-nogui
I'm using mplayer-nogui on several debian systems (etch and lenny-distro's)
mplayer plays almost everything, but one URL it does not:
It is a Windows Media format stream that isn't recognized bij mplayer,
neither on etch and on lenny.
When I install w32codecs on a 32-bit machine the stream is recognized
and played, both on ectch and lenny, but when I install w64codecs on a
64-bit machine (etch or lenny, doesn't matter) mplayer doen't recogize it.
As far as I understood it correctly, w64codecs is moreless the same for
64-bit machines as w32codecs is for 32-bit machines...:-s
Does somebody know how I solve this issue on a 64-bit machine?
Thanks in advance and best regards,