mipsel mplayer

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著者: Javier Vasquez
To: dmo-discussion
題目: mipsel mplayer

I'm planning to acquire some mipsel mini-pc's (mips 64 bits), and for
sure there's no w32codecs or w64codecs support for sure. Given that
mplayer decodes using ffmpeg, would I miss something by using the
mipsel mini-pc's? Would it be just some wmas or wmvs? How about real
media like *.rm and *.rmvb (real media variable bit rate)? I have old
media in that format, that I would like to be able to watch...
Perhaps old wmas and wmvs are also a posibility? Any ways, I like I
can still watch regular avis, ogms, mpegs, and mp4s, and perhaps
that's for sure, right?

Is there anything that I'll miss for sure from mplayer point of view, on mipsel?

