blender doesn't play ball with debian-multimedia

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To: dmo-discussion
題目: blender doesn't play ball with debian-multimedia
Hi everyone,

I am a blender user for HD video editing, and as long as I can remember
it hasn't been working with d-m ffmpeg related packages installed. I am
working around it using blender static packages from or
using Ubuntu builds, but it doesn't feel proper.
Today I opened a bug #602382 about it, hoping this could be resolved in
a audacity-like fashion.

I couldn't test properly the blender 2.5* build from debian
experimental, I tried it on my Squeeze system but wasn't able to load a
single file in it, so can't comment on it, this is about blender 2.49*.

As said in the bug report blender from and Ubuntu maverick
builds work fine on Debian Squeeze with d-m, so maybe providing a
"blender downloader" in d-m which would get blender from (in
a flashplugin-installer way) or ideally make a d-m enabled build (Ubuntu
one is working) would solve the issue. The best way would be to avoid
duplicating work and have the debian build to work with d-m, but I have
contributed to d-m related bug reports in the past in debian and more
often than not it boils down to "d-m isn't debian proper, fix your
system", so I don't have much hope on that one.

/ /I can't believe that out of all those blender users ( ) none has been bitten
by this bug. Workaround and stick your head in the sand seems to be the
way to go ? Is there a way to make blender from debian work with d-m
that I am not aware of ?

Thanks for debian-multimedia.