著者: Christian Marillat 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: Re: gtkpod transcoding failures (patch included)
Craig Sanders <cas@???> writes:
> the bugs.debian.org bugtracker would be nice, could then get reportbug to send
> bugs for dmo packages to submit@???, same as for other
> debian packages.
> plus, it would be nice to be able to read existing bug reports to see if
> something has already been reported before wasting your time with the
> fiftieth annoying report of the same bug.
> it's packaged as debbugs.
I' think I'll use debbugs. But the packaged version is old 2.4.1 and now
in 2.4.2 the file format used to store datads has changed.
So the best is to start with 2.4.2 (package in experimental), but I
don't know if this version is stable or not.