著者: Olivier Mehani 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: Re: XBMC 10.0-0.2: symbol lookup error: trace_flag
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 02:05:22PM +0100, Christian Marillat wrote: > > I upgraded XBMC from unstable (on a squeeze system + unstable debian
> > multimedia).
> First don't mix up testing and unstable packages.
Yeah, I know, I'm playing with fire. I'm taking responsibility for that,
but I didn't want a full Unstable system.
> > So, FYI, I just grabbed the xmbc-dmo source and rebuilt the package
> > locally, then installed the xbmc-bin package, which fixed the problem.
> Instead install libva* packages from unstable.
That's what I suspected, and the first thing I checked. It was the
libva* packages from unstable which were having the problem. I did
rebuild them as well from the unstable sources, but the problem