Re: [VLC] Ati Radeon XPress 1250

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著者: Jose Juan Montiel
To: dmo-discussion
題目: Re: [VLC] Ati Radeon XPress 1250

> Could you try vlc from experimental (1.1.5) ?

i remove all "vlc-stuff"

Start-Date: 2011-01-20 23:11:01
Commandline: /usr/sbin/synaptic
Remove: vlc-plugin-ggi:i386 (1.1.3-1squeeze1), vlc-plugin-sdl:i386
(1.1.3-1squeeze1), vlc-plugin-svg:i386 (1.1.3-1squeeze1),
mozilla-plugin-vlc:i386 (1.1.3-1squeeze1), libvlc5:i386
(1.1.3-1squeeze1), vlc-nox:i386 (1.1.3-1squeeze1),
vlc-plugin-svgalib:i386 (1.1.3-1squeeze1), vlc:i386 (1.1.3-1squeeze1),
vlc-plugin-notify:i386 (1.1.3-1squeeze1), vlc-plugin-pulse:i386
(1.1.3-1squeeze1), libvlccore4:i386 (1.1.3-1squeeze1)
End-Date: 2011-01-20 23:11:14

Start-Date: 2011-01-20 23:12:03
Commandline: /usr/sbin/synaptic
Purge: vlc-data:i386 (1.1.3-1squeeze1)
End-Date: 2011-01-20 23:12:13

and i installed from experimental

Start-Date: 2011-01-20 23:15:22
Commandline: apt-get -t experimental install vlc
Install: libvlc5:i386 (1.1.5-3, automatic), vlc-nox:i386 (1.1.5-3,
automatic), vlc:i386 (1.1.5-3), vlc-plugin-notify:i386 (1.1.5-3,
automatic), vlc-plugin-pulse:i386 (1.1.5-3, automatic), vlc-data:i386
(1.1.5-3, automatic), libvlccore4:i386 (1.1.5-3, automatic)
End-Date: 2011-01-20 23:15:38

One diference, is that vlc-plugin-svgalib and other like this didn't

Now, screen size and color good, but don't reproduce, image is paused.

VLC media player 1.1.5 The Luggage (revision exported)
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS")
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE")
Warning: call to signal(13, 0x1)
Blocked: call to setlocale(6, "")
Blocked: call to sigaction(17, 0xb206e0d4, 0xb206e048)
Warning: call to signal(13, 0x1)
Warning: call to srand(1295487611)
Warning: call to rand()
Blocked: call to setlocale(6, "")

(process:31016): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
     Using the fallback 'C' locale.
Warning: call to signal(13, 0x1)
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()

Thanks for try to debug this error.