著者: Christian Marillat 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: Re: [VLC] Ati Radeon XPress 1250
Robert Pommrich <LeProvokateur@???> writes:
> Jose Juan Montiel schrieb:
>> Hi,
>>>> Now, screen size and color good, but don't reproduce, image is paused.
>>> Then vlc 1.1.5 works with your configuration ?
>> sorry for my english, i mean that playback frezzed, only show first
>> image (with color right color and right size, and don't don't crash)
>> but image is paused...
>> what do you think?
> I had a similar problem that I could solve by moving ~/.vlc out of the way.
Files are also stored in ~/.config/vlc
Jose could you try to delete these directories and see if vlc works ?