著者: signal3 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: Re: Squeeze
Oh, I'm sorry... that must have just happened recently. Okay... time for
dist-upgrade I guess... thanks for letting me know!
I'm gonna have to give it a try on the laptop first... maybe spend some time
getting used to kde4 on there too :-(
I really do tend to move slowly - but that's only because I don't move for
anybody ;-) Ah, Goodfellas, what a great movie.
On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Christian Marillat <marillat@???>wrote:
> signal3 <signal3@???> writes:
> > Lol, I'm not sure an apology is necessary ;-) One thing though... how
> will
> > this affect me? After you fix this will I be able to install acidrip,
> > mplayer-nogui, etc... will I have to "upgrade" to squeeze... I mean,
> Lenny
> > is 'stable' not 'oldstable' so I'm guessing everything will be fine and
> the
> > slow-pokes using Lenny won't have any problems, right?
> Lenny is oldstable and Squeeze stable. Stable isn't broken and people
> should move to this new release.
> Christian