著者: Henning Glawe 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: Re: libssh for xbmc
Christian Marillat <marillat@???> writes: >> Henning Glawe <glaweh@???> writes:
>>> Moin,
>>> is there a special reason why libssh support is missing in the DMO xbmc
>>> packages?
>> libssl-dev is in build-depends and :
>Well I was half asleep this morning, libssh-dev should be added in
>Build-Depends to enable ssh support.
>I'll do a new package this morning.
Thanks, will try (and backport them to squeeze for my HTPC, if necessary) :)
p.s.: I am not subscribed to the list and found your answer only in the web
archive. should have written that in the first mail ;)