著者: Robert Pommrich 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: Re: flashplayer 11 disappeared
Am 15.10.2011 18:54, schrieb Christian Marillat: > Christian Marillat <marillat@???> writes:
>> Christian Marillat <marillat@???> writes:
>>> Robert Pommrich <LeProvokateur@???> writes:
>>>> Hi,
>>> Hi,
>>>> the flashplayer 11 has disappeared from the servers. Is there are reason
>>>> for this?
>>> Packages are still here :
>>> ,----
>>> | flashplayer-mozilla | 2: | testing/non-free | amd64, i386
>>> | flashplayer-mozilla | 3: | stable/non-free | amd64
>>> | flashplayer-mozilla | 3: | unstable/non-free | amd64
>>> `----
>> Ha, I386 packages are missing :)
> Fixed.
> Thanks a lot.
> Christian
- --
********************************************** > so what would I need to do to run amd64 ??
The urge to be cool.
Version: 3.12
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