Re: xbmc packages in unstable

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著者: Christian Marillat
To: dmo-discussion
題目: Re: xbmc packages in unstable
Dominique Dumont <dod@???> writes:

> On 2011-11-12 14:01, Christian Marillat wrote:
>> Would be nice to have some feedback for xbmc 10.1 git20111112-0.0 in
>> unstable (I can't test these packages).
> Mostly good. Video works without problem.
> Weather is unable to connect to the server to get Grenoble's forecast (but I
> don't really care about this feature)

Nice city (Grenoble)

Otherwise I've seen weather related fix in the git log.

> I still need to check if DNLA can retrieve movie runtime (this has been broken
> for a while).

Anyway this package isn't ready for testing. Doesn't build for armel,
weather problem and also keyboard problem.
