ffmpeg audio decoding broken

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著者: Christian D.
To: dmo-discussion
題目: ffmpeg audio decoding broken
Hi everybody,

I upgraded to v0.8.7 of ffmpeg some days ago from testing (including
libraries) and I wasn't able to encode a video with mencoder since. The
problem is that the audio-decoding from ffmpeg returns only silence and
the resulting video has a normal audio stream, but with no sound.

With CBR AC3 I wasn't able to recognize this error until I reviewed the
resulting file. With VBR MP3 as output the bitrate is in the low 20s,
indicating no incoming sound to encode.

I'm in the process of trying to directly identify to problem using
ffmpeg. I'm converting an AC3-file to MP3 with:

ffmpeg -i test.ac3 test.mp3

Simple as that I guess, but the following problem occurs:

Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect
parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height

Can anybody reproduce this behaviour or error?

