Re: ffmpeg audio decoding broken

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著者: Christian D.
To: DMO discussion
題目: Re: ffmpeg audio decoding broken
A little heads up:
Just tried the fresh version from unstable (3:1.0~rc4+svn20111203-0.0)
and this one works again. The problem that the ac3 is not played until
the mkv is created still persists, but I can definitly live with that.

Thanks a lot for this repo!


Christian D.

On 2011-12-03 11:06, Christian D. wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> thanks for the tips, ffmpeg works this way and therefore doesn't seem to
> have the problem itself.
> I took some time now to investigate the initial mencoder problems. I
> hear no audio when I check the AVI that is created by mencoder with
> x264/AC3. But after I remux the AVI into MKV with mkvmerge the sound is
> back. A bit odd I guess, but that seems to work again now.
> The other problem is the XviD-encode with MP3. While the old status was
> that the encode had no audio, now I get the good ol' "Segmentation
> fault" error. I reinstalled most packages involved.
> Minimalistic command line (1st pass):
> mencoder test.ts -passlogfile test.pass -nosound -ovc xvid -vf
> yadif,scale=624:352 -sws 9 -xvidencopts pass=1 -o test.avi
> Minimalistic test file (test.ts):
> Cheers,
> Christian