Fwd: Possible to have debdelta added to debian-multimedia ?

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著者: shirish शिरीष
To: Debian-multimedia-maintainers
CC: Christian Marillat
題目: Fwd: Possible to have debdelta added to debian-multimedia ?
Hi all,
 Would it be possible to have the feature known as debdelta integrated
into debian-multimedia pool. This would make updating for me a lot
quicker whenever you have updates and you guys should be able to serve
more people with no to minimum peak loads.

Here's a link to debdelta.debian.net.

Apologies if asked before. I really do dig debdelta both the concept
as well as the implementation.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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