wheezy-backports: Unable to satisfy the build-depends for my…

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Author: Nick Morrott
To: dmo-discussion
Subject: wheezy-backports: Unable to satisfy the build-depends for mythtv

I'm wondering if it might be possible to provide updated backported
-dev files to permit current mythtv to be rebuilt on Wheezy?

I'm managing a Wheezy-based machine and see the following when
attempting to install the build dependencies for mythtv:

# aptitude build-dep mythtv
Unable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: libsdl-dev.
Unable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: libx264-dev ( 3:0.144~).
Unable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: libvpx-dev ( 1.4.0).
Unable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: libass-dev ( 0.10.2).
Unable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: libtool-bin.


The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libgnutls28-dev : Depends: nettle-dev (>= 2.5) but it is not going to
be installed.
                   Depends: libtasn1-6-dev (>= 3.9) but it is not
going to be installed.
                   Depends: libp11-kit-dev (>= 0.20.7) but 0.12-3 is
to be installed.
                   Conflicts: gnutls-dev which is a virtual package.
 libgnutls-deb0-28 : Depends: libhogweed2 (>= 2.7) but it is not going
to be installed.
                     Depends: libnettle4 (>= 2.7) but 2.4-3 is installed.
                     Depends: libp11-kit0 (>= 0.20.7) but 0.12-3 is installed.
                     Depends: libtasn1-6 (>= 4.1-0) but it is not
going to be installed.
 libgnutls-dev : Conflicts: gnutls-dev which is a virtual package.

A quick review suggests some of the problems are due to unmet versions
in wheezy-backports (e.g. libx264-dev), some due to specifying virtual
packages in the control file which aptitude is not resolving correctly
(e.g. libsdl-dev (v) vs libsdl1.2-dev).

Is it possible for the affected dependencies/control file to be
updated to allow `aptitude build-dep mythtv` to "just work"?
