Re: About MythTV 35.0

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Author: Ian Campbell
To: dmo-discussion
Subject: Re: About MythTV 35.0
On Sun, 2025-03-02 at 08:34 -0500, James Abernathy wrote:
> This may be a dumb question, but why require the unstable branch?  In
> testing the recent v35 branch of mythtv, I've been building the .deb
> packages on Debian 12 bookworm using the mythtv-light method.  The
> only downside is that mythtv-light provides no mythconverg database,
> mythtv user setup, or Storage Group directory setup.  But that is a
> script I've had for years.

I've been using the dmo packages since ~2006 and haven't had reason to
change is all.

I don't run unstable really, I run a testing system with unstable as a
second package source with lower priority, which gives a kind of
rolling-distro experience on Debian, again just something I've been
doing for years, I would especially recommend it unless you like that
sort of thing. Because of that I happen to also pull in the DMO
unstable branch too.

I'm pretty sure Christian has stable branches of this stuff too which
gets the same stuff once it seems okay -- I'm sure v35 will end up
there in due course.
