著者: Tom Epperly 日付: To: dmo-discussion 題目: Upgrade to mythtv 0.23.1-0.0lenny2 causes me to loose audio
I don't often "apt-get upgrade" or "apt-get dist-upgrade" my MythTV box,
but I did today. I upgraded from mythtv-backed
0.22+fixes20100218-0.0lenny1 to 0.23.1-0.0lenny2. The video playback
looks fine, but there is no audio.
I've got a PVR-350, and the audio is connected directly to the PVR-350's
VIO/AUD jack in the back (i.e., not through sound card).
I realize this list isn't a MythTV support list, but I though I might
get some direction about where to go with my question.