Re: Upgrade to mythtv 0.23.1-0.0lenny2 causes me to loose au…

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著者: Ariel
To: Tom Epperly
CC: dmo-discussion
題目: Re: Upgrade to mythtv 0.23.1-0.0lenny2 causes me to loose audio

On Sun, 28 Nov 2010, Tom Epperly wrote:

> I don't often "apt-get upgrade" or "apt-get dist-upgrade" my MythTV box, but
> I did today. I upgraded from mythtv-backed 0.22+fixes20100218-0.0lenny1 to
> 0.23.1-0.0lenny2. The video playback looks fine, but there is no audio.

Is there any output from the console?

Also, you upgraded just the backend? Or also the frontend?

Run the frontend from the console, and look for any errors in the log,
they may help track down the problem.

Also, try re-checking the configuration (in both mythtv-setup and in the
setup menu item in the frontend), perhaps your audio configuration
settings were lost during the database upgrade.
